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Help Us Have An Even Bigger Impact! Sign Up a Friend—It’s Easy (and Free!)

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iStock_000013296501XSmallWe don’t say it often enough: If not for you, we couldn’t do what we do. Now we need your help to increase our readership.

Our most valuable asset is not our staff, our Capitol Hill relationships, or even the money in our bank account—it’s YOU, our activist supporters. Without your united voices, many elected officials and government regulators would never hear about natural health or sustainable healthcare. Without your watchful eye, representatives and FDA officials would have free rein to trample on our right to have healthy food, a non-toxic environment, and access to the natural medical treatments we believe in.
We are truly grateful every day for your active support. While many organizations boast large numbers of subscribers, we are proud to say you not only subscribe, you take action!
When we conducted a survey last summer asking you what areas you wanted us to focus our efforts on, you responded in great numbers and told us how you felt. When we write to you with an urgent Action Alert, you respond by writing tens of thousands of email messages to your representatives and other government officials.
Now we’re asking you to help us turn those tens of thousands of messages into hundreds of thousands, by telling your friends about The Pulse of Natural Health and encouraging them to sign up for a free subscription so they, too, can stay informed and take action on important issues.
Even though we know you’re happy just to help, we thought we’d sweeten the deal:

  • The person who refers the most new subscribers will win an ANH-USA picnic blanket.
  • Second place will earn an ANH-USA BPA-free Nalgene bottle.
  • Third place will win an ANH-USA eco-friendly tote bag made from recycled materials.

We’ve done most of the work for you: all you have to do is visit today, enter your friends’ email addresses, customize your message, and then hit Send! We’ll keep track of how many people each of you refer, and winners will be notified in the first week of April.
Thank you for all you do! We couldn’t do our jobs without you.

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