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New Title, Same Focus

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When we operated under the name American Association for Health Freedom, our newsletter was called Pulse of Health Freedom. When our merger with Alliance for Natural Health brought us a new name, Alliance for Natural Health-USA, we kept the old newsletter title for a while just to avoid confusion when you opened your mailbox. By now, however, we hope you are accustomed to our new name, ANH-USA, so we think the time has come to modify the name of our newsletter too. So, starting next week, Pulse of Health Freedom will become Pulse of Natural Health.
Bean seedlingDoes this mean that our organization is moving away from our traditional focus on health freedom? Absolutely not! Our mission is still to preserve the freedom to choose your healthcare approach and products, whether you are a practitioner or a consumer, and to protect this freedom through good science and good law. Healthcare freedom is basic. Without that, natural health cannot get a hearing. So we do want you to know that our commitment to health freedom remains just as firm as ever, as I hope we demonstrate every week.
Our merger has changed how we operate. We now operate globally. But it has not changed our basic outlook and what we want to accomplish.
We hope you will agree that the merger is a big plus. Health freedom and natural health issues are increasingly linked globally. It helps to tackle them from a global base and it gives us standing with global organizations such as the World Health Organization. We also believe that our merger has sent a message of how important it is to work together to achieve common ends. We expect and hope to partner with many organizations in the future, both formally and informally.
So please keep alert next week for Pulse of Natural Health, the newsletter’s new name. The name will change, but our core mission and commitments remain exactly the same.

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