2022 Natural Health Advocacy Year in Review

2022 Natural Health Advocacy Year in Review

We saw a lot of action on natural health issues over the past year, including some big wins. Here’s where we stand on some of the top issues where ANH works to protect your access to natural health. Senator Durbin’s Push for FDA Supplement Registration Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) pushed hard this year for additional […]

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FDA Supplement Censorship Strikes Again

FDA Supplement Censorship Strikes Again

The FDA’s censorship of free speech about the benefits of supplements has now extended into heart health supplements like vitamin B3 and fish oil. When will this lunacy end? Action Alert! In a slew of warning letters, the FDA has targeted seven companies for claiming that their supplements treat heart disease. Well, not heart disease […]

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FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid

FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid

For years the FDA has wanted natural thyroid replacement off the market. Now the agency is moving to eliminate individualized versions of this medicine. Action Alert! The FDA has declared natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) to be a “biologic” and thus ineligible for pharmacy compounding. This is the latest in a decades-long effort by the agency […]

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NYT’s Supplement Vendetta is Getting Old

NYT’s Supplement Vendetta is Getting Old

Frightening conclusions are being drawn from a flawed vitamin D study. Action Alert! You can almost see the smile on the reporter’s face at The New York Times who wrote the headline: “Study Finds Another Condition That Vitamin D Pills Don’t Help.” The study on which the article is based did indeed conclude that vitamin […]

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Why There is So Little Natural Medicine Research

Why There is So Little Natural Medicine Research

Skeptics often dismiss and criticize natural approaches to healthcare, claiming that there isn’t evidence to support their effectiveness. Here’s why they’re both wrong and right (for the wrong reasons). Action Alert! Mainstream critics have been calling natural medicine “snake oil” and “quackery” for years. The essence of this argument is that there isn’t any evidence […]

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Legal Jeopardy for Homeopathy

Legal Jeopardy for Homeopathy

As the FDA dangles the axe over homeopathy at the federal level, states are (and have been) getting in on the action to restrict access. Action Alert! Recently, the Center for Inquiry filed a lawsuit against Boiron, one of the largest homeopathic manufacturers in the country, under Washington, D.C.’s consumer protection laws, alleging the company […]

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Senator Stands for Medical Free Speech

Senator Stands for Medical Free Speech

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) is taking a stand against doctors and their professional organizations who attempt to silence and sanction their colleagues who dare to stray from the mainstream medical orthodoxies regarding COVID. Action Alerts! Sen. Johnson sent a letter to the President of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), Dr. Richard Baron, regarding […]

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FDA Just Fast-Tracked a Vaccine for Alzheimer’s

FDA Just Fast-Tracked a Vaccine for Alzheimer’s

From Joseph Mercola, DO Mercola.com STORY AT-A-GLANCE The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to UB-311, a vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease made by biotechnology company Vaxxinity Aside from the potential problems that can arise when a vaccine is rushed to market, the vaccine may be problematic from the get-go because amyloid beta may […]

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