Wave Genetics and Quantum Medicine

Wave Genetics and Quantum Medicine

The article has been edited by Roger Meacock BVSc MRCVS and Melissa Smith.Rob Verkerk PhD has provided an introduction. Introduction to quantum medicine Quantum medicine, sometimes also referred to as informational or frequency medicine, is itself a huge and burgeoning field that uses lessons learned from quantum physics to deliver highly advanced diagnostics often as […]

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Will Covid Kill Integrative Medicine?

Will Covid Kill Integrative Medicine?

Ronald Hoffman, MD, on the threat to integrative medicine’s future in a climate of censorship and black-and-white thinking on health and well-being. In the early twentieth century, the Flexner Report asserted the preeminence of the “biomedical model” over traditional folk medicines that were still widely embraced by Americans. Medical research was advancing in the wake […]

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Introducing the ENOUGH movement, using a single word sentiment as a mechanism for profound change in our world. The last 18 months have been a trying experience, and if you’ve felt that you’ve “had ENOUGH,” you’re not alone. This week, a new global movement has launched: the Enough Movement. Sparked by the non-profit Millions Against […]

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New Heights of Medical Censorship

New Heights of Medical Censorship

Now doctors are being threatened with the loss of their license if they fail to toe the line of mainstream medicine on how to prevent and treat COVID. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) recently announced that doctors who “spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation” risk disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the revocation of […]

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Fact-Checker Fail

Fact-Checker Fail

How fact-checkers distort the truth under a false guise of “objectivity” and shape our view of the news. ‘Fact-checking’ sites have arisen in recent years, purportedly to help us sort through the miasma of “fake news” and “misinformation” that inundate the Internet. A closer look at some of the fact-checkers shows that they are hardly […]

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Cronyism Blocks Another Affordable COVID Med

Cronyism Blocks Another Affordable COVID Med

Despite positive data, mainstream medicine is ignoring an affordable COVID medicine. Action Alert! The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) published a paper reviewing the evidence for ivermectin, an off-patent drug for river blindness, arguing that it has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that make it effective in the prevention and treatment of COVID. The evidence […]

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Dangers of Antibiotics for Kids

Dangers of Antibiotics for Kids

Concerning data from a new study shows the dangers of antibiotic use in young children. Action Alert! A new study found that children younger than two who are given antibiotics are more likely to develop ongoing medical conditions later in life. Given the multitude of natural alternatives to antibiotics, it is shameful that the medical […]

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Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease

Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease

A stunning study reveals the truth about statins. Action Alert! Research published in the journal Atherosclerosis concludes that statin use increases coronary plaques, which limit blood flow and can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Yes, you read that correctly. Statins, medicines meant to prevent cardiovascular disease, are actually causing it. It should be the […]

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Are Supplements Really Useless?

Are Supplements Really Useless?

Of course not, but that’s what the media would have you believe in the latest hit job on dietary supplements. Action Alert! A recent meta-analysis—a review of over 100 different randomized controlled trials—found that multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin C showed no benefits in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, or premature […]

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