NY Attorney General—and Now Thirteen Other AGs—Take Their Assault on Supplements to Congress

NY Attorney General—and Now Thirteen Other AGs—Take Their Assault on Supplements to Congress

They seem determined to treat supplements like drugs. Problem is, no one will pay billions for FDA approval, and most of your supplements will disappear from the shelves. Major Action Alert! New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has again upped the ante in his assault on the supplement industry. We recently reported how Schneiderman used a poorly designed—and […]

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Waxman Joins Son’s PR Firm

Waxman Joins Son’s PR Firm

Is Waxman a “liberal icon” who just happened to stage midnight attacks on supplements in conference bills? Or a crony capitalist? We’ll let you decide. Last year, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), the doggedly anti-supplement House member from California, retired from Congress after forty years of service. When we covered Mr. Waxman’s retirement, we saw him as […]

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NY Attorney General Doubles Down in His Supplement Attack

NY Attorney General Doubles Down in His Supplement Attack

Having made his initial move based on discredited tests, he is now broadening the offensive and pulling in AGs from other states. Action Alert! Early last month, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters to four major national chain retailers, charging them with selling nutritional supplements that were “deliberately mislabeled” and “potentially dangerous to […]

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New Food Safety Bill Needs Amending!

New Food Safety Bill Needs Amending!

This is a bill sponsored in the House by Rep. DeLauro and in the Senate by Sen. Durbin. Durbin is the arch-nemesis of natural health. But with the right amendments, this bill could actually help! Action Alert! Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT) have introduced a bill, the Safe Food Act of 2015, […]

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New York AG’s Supplement Test Completely Contradicted by New Research

New York AG’s Supplement Test Completely Contradicted by New Research

The supplement ban was issued based on a single unverified test, performed by a scientist who usually studies lizards, using completely inappropriate technology—and new tests show that the original testing was wrong. State-based Action Alert! The NY attorney general’s cease-and-desist letters to four national-chain retailers, charging them with selling nutritional supplements that were “deliberately mislabeled” and “potentially dangerous […]

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Since its inception, the Alliance for Natural Health USA has waged many successful battles to protect alternative health options. Throughout our history we have played an important role in filing precedent-setting lawsuits and passing significant legislation that directly benefit the natural health community. Health Transparency Free Speech about Natural Health Benefits We helped pass the Dietary […]

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Since its inception, the Alliance for Natural Health USA has waged many successful battles to protect alternative health options . Throughout our history we have played an important role in filing precedent-setting lawsuits and passing significant legislation that directly benefit the natural health community: Dietary Supplement Health And Eduction Act (DSHEA). We were instrumental in […]

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