The Biolabs in Your Backyard…

The Biolabs in Your Backyard…

From Organic Consumers Association There are 14 biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) labs in the United States. If you count biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) labs, there are more than 200! And, that’s from a USA Today investigation back in 2015! Even more high-containment labs are operating now. Is there one in your backyard? If you’re in Maryland near Washington, DC, […]

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Pfizer Documents Show Natural Immunity Works

Pfizer Documents Show Natural Immunity Works

Are profits trumping health and safety when it comes to vaccinating young people against COVID? A huge data dump of documents show, in the words of one journalist, that “natural immunity works and Pfizer knows it.” The documents also show that COVID vaccine adverse events are more frequent and more severe in younger age groups. […]

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Virus-Smashing Supplement Combo

Virus-Smashing Supplement Combo

More evidence for the power of natural medicine to keep us healthy during this and future viral pandemics—so why are the FDA, Congress, and the President threatening access? Action Alert! A new study found that a mixture of zinc, copper, and plant flavonoids inhibited viral replication in lab tests by as much as 50 percent. […]

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The Real Reason FDA Attacked Nasal Sprays

The Real Reason FDA Attacked Nasal Sprays

As is too often the case with this agency, you need only follow the money. Action Alert! Last year, we reported on the FDA attacking companies marketing nasal spray products proven to help with COVID as part of the federal government’s wider campaign to censor and block natural therapies for the virus, since they aren’t […]

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Life Expectancy Drops Again

Life Expectancy Drops Again

Troubling signs about the future of healthcare in this country show the urgent need to embrace regenerative health solutions. A new analysis found that US life expectancy has dropped for the second year in a row, by about six months in 2021, after falling by two years in 2020. This has driven overall US life […]

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Does It Or Doesn’t It-the Ivermectin Saga Continues

Does It Or Doesn’t It-the Ivermectin Saga Continues

The mainstream media jumped on a new study purporting to show ivermectin is a failed treatment for COVID. Action Alert! The Wall Street Journal’s headline: “Ivermectin Didn’t Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date.” The New York Times’ headline: “A large study finds that ivermectin does not reduce risk of Covid-19 hospitalization.” Surely this […]

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Annual COVID Vax for Kids?

Annual COVID Vax for Kids?

Do you want your child to have a yearly COVID shot? That’s where we at ANH think we’re heading. The federal government is currently considering whether to authorize COVID vaccines for children under five years of age; the shots have already been approved for Americans aged five and up. It appears that the obsession with […]

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COVID “Disinformation” Witch Hunt

COVID “Disinformation” Witch Hunt

We need to offer protections to doctors who dare to speak about natural and off-patent medicines to help with COVID. Action Alerts! A new report titled “Disinformation Doctors: Licensed to Mislead” calls on state medical boards across the country to take “proactive action” to stop medical doctors from spreading COVID “disinformation.” This is in line […]

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