Study Shows Hemp Extract May Fight COVID

Study Shows Hemp Extract May Fight COVID

Another reason consumers need affordable access to CBD and other hemp products, not more FDA-sanctioned Pharma monopolies. Action Alert! A new study suggests that certain compounds found in hemp can block the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 virus into human cells. This is in addition to many other clinical benefits like helping with pain and fighting […]

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Better Vax Injury Tracking System Ignored; Why?

Better Vax Injury Tracking System Ignored; Why?

The government’s method of tracking vaccine injuries could be missing as many as 99 percent of injuries. This is unacceptable. Action Alert! The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is completely broken, with a report showing that VAERS misses 99 percent of vaccine injuries. A project funded by the Department of Health and Human […]

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New Fed Vax Database Threatens Privacy

New Fed Vax Database Threatens Privacy

A new bill is moving through Congress that brings us closer to a national vaccine database telling the government whether you’re vaccinated. Action Alert! HR 550, the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021, was approved by the House of Representatives late in November. While many of its provisions may sound innocuous, this bill creates a […]

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AIDS, COVID Reveal Deep Corruption

AIDS, COVID Reveal Deep Corruption

A new book describes how Dr. Anthony Fauci’s actions during the AIDS and COVID crises exemplify everything wrong with our crony medical system. Learn how to get a free copy of this incredible book! During both the COVID pandemic and the AIDS epidemic, Dr. Fauci discredited medicines that are safe, cheap, and effective in favor […]

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Last Chance to Stop Employer Vax Mandate

Last Chance to Stop Employer Vax Mandate

Submit your opposition to the COVID vaccine mandate for private employers. We’ve been telling you about the sweeping vaccine mandates issued by the federal government. As part of that initiative, the Biden Administration ordered the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to issue an emergency standard mandating that private employers with over 100 employees institute […]

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Healthcare Worker Vax Mandate Blocked

Healthcare Worker Vax Mandate Blocked

… in the ten states that filed lawsuits challenging the mandate for healthcare workers to be vaccinated. A federal judge has blocked the healthcare worker vaccine mandate in Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, New Hampshire, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. In his ruling, the judge said the plaintiffs said that the plaintiffs were […]

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Breakthrough COVID Nasal Spray Blocked

Breakthrough COVID Nasal Spray Blocked

Data show a simple nasal spray can neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 virus and help alleviate symptoms of COVID disease, but the feds block any mention of these benefits. The FDA and the FTC have sent warning letters to at least five companies marketing a wide range of antiseptic nasal sprays containing xylitol, saline, povidone-iodine, or some […]

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Government Vax Overreach Blocked by Court

Government Vax Overreach Blocked by Court

A US appeals court has ordered the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to stop implementing and enforcing the Biden vaccine mandate until further notice. Amidst a flurry of legal challenges from Republican-led states, a federal appeals court has blocked President Biden’s requirement that private employers with over 100 employees institute a vaccination and testing […]

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Supplement Censorship Undermines COVID Fight

Supplement Censorship Undermines COVID Fight

New science says supplements can help with COVID-19, but the feds say you’re not allowed to learn about it. Action Alert! Stunning new studies demonstrate how supplements can improve COVID-19 outcomes. This adds to existing research on a variety of natural compounds showing the plausibility of using supplements to prevent or treat COVID-19. Yet, as […]

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How Dangerous is COVID for Children?

How Dangerous is COVID for Children?

To what extent are our children endangered by COVID infection? Many parents understandably approached this school year with trepidation at the thought of their children returning to in-person learning during a pandemic and the rise of viral variants. A survey of the data we have thus far should provide some comfort to worried parents about […]

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