CAFOs Are Gaming Organic Standards

CAFOs Are Gaming Organic Standards

The USDA is considering a rule that would help close loopholes, but it doesn’t go far enough. Action Alert! The USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) has reopened the comment period on the 2015 Origin of Livestock proposed rule that attempts to prevent large, industrial dairy and cattle operations from gaming the system. While the rule […]

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Moms Across America— Setting a Gold Standard

Moms Across America— Setting a Gold Standard

Moms Across America’s new food and supplement certification will help consumers choose products from companies that are committed to the goals of the natural health movement. Action Alert! Our friends at Moms Across America have launched an exciting project called the Gold Standard. This standard will allow consumers to support companies that have core beliefs […]

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What Makes the “Impossible Burger” Possible?

What Makes the “Impossible Burger” Possible?

Behind the approval of the plant-based burger that will be hitting store shelves soon. Action Alert! Plant-based meat products seem to be all the rage. They are billed as a healthier, more environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional meat, and the fad is catching on. Fast-food giant Burger King has announced the “Impossible Whopper,” a meatless version […]

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News Clips: August 13, 2019

News Clips: August 13, 2019

Organic GMOs? Under Secretary of Agriculture Greg Ibach recently told a House Agricultural Subcommittee that it may be time to start having a conversation about whether technologies such as gene editing can be used to enhance organic production. It’s no surprise, really: we’ve been saying for years now that special interests are watering down organic […]

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Courts Making Bayer/Monsanto Pay for Their Poison

Courts Making Bayer/Monsanto Pay for Their Poison

Juries are awarding victims of glyphosate with massive amounts in damages. We’ve been reporting for years on the negative health effects of glyphosate, the active ingredient in the Roundup herbicide. While world bodies like the World Health Organization say that glyphosate is a “probable carcinogen,” the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains that glyphosate is […]

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Frankenfish Coming to a Store Near You

Frankenfish Coming to a Store Near You

And you might not even realize you are serving it to your family. Action Alert! The FDA has removed the last roadblock to genetically engineered (GE) salmon hitting supermarket shelves. The GE salmon will have to follow the labeling guidelines spelled out in the GMO labeling law passed by Congress in 2016—meaning that the only […]

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America’s Fraudulent Organics Industry

America’s Fraudulent Organics Industry

We thought the problem was limited to fraudulent overseas suppliers; but fake organics are also grown in the US, and the USDA is clueless. Action Alert! A Missouri farmer has been charged with ripping off food companies and consumers by falsely marketing more than $140 million worth of corn, soybeans, and wheat as organic. Observers […]

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Banned for Use in War, But OK for Our Crops

Banned for Use in War, But OK for Our Crops

Apparently the Geneva Convention doesn’t protect against use in domestic agriculture. Action Alert! Researchers who recently examined studies sponsored by Dow Chemical and used by the EPA to approve chlorpyrifos, a type of insecticide, found inaccuracies in what the company reported to the agency. Worse, there is also evidence that EPA scientists pointed out these […]

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This Loophole Allows Chemicals to Hide In Your Food

This Loophole Allows Chemicals to Hide In Your Food

We often see “artificial” or “natural” flavors listed among the ingredients on foods we buy, but do consumers know what these terms mean? Action Alert! Recently, the FDA announced that a group of six artificial flavors would no longer be permitted to be used as food additives. They are: synthetically-derived benzophenone, ethyl acrylate, methyl eugenol, […]

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