Frankenfoods v2: Exploiting the Bioequivalence Principle

Frankenfoods v2: Exploiting the Bioequivalence Principle

Powerful forces are trying to shift our food system away from the soil-based farming systems and towards genetically engineered, lab-grown food. We can’t let them succeed. THE TOPLINE Got Milk GE-yeast-fermented-whey-protein drink? You may have heard about the new “animal-free dairy milk” called Bored Cow. It’s being billed as a more animal and environmentally friendly […]

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Big Pharma Strikes Back

Big Pharma Strikes Back

…in the battle ANH and allies are waging to preserve access to NMN, a critical anti-aging supplement. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE MetroBiotech, the drug company trying to turn NMN into a monopoly drug, issued a response to our Citizen’s Petition calling on the agency to allow continued access to NMN supplements. MetroBiotech — in true, […]

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Feds Clueless on Frankensoil

Feds Clueless on Frankensoil

The laws and policies governing the use of genetically engineered (GE) soil microbes are confusing, outdated, and desperately inadequate given the potential risks to humans and the environment. We need to demand better of our lawmakers. Action Alert! A few weeks ago, we reported on the next big thing in the agrichemical industry: the use […]

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FDA Ransack of Nature Ongoing with NMN Attack

FDA Ransack of Nature Ongoing with NMN Attack

Stop drug companies from stealing products that give us years on our lives. Action Alert! Earlier this year, ANH-USA and the Natural Products Association (NPA) submitted a Citizen’s Petition to the FDA urging the agency to reverse its determination that nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is not a legal dietary supplement. Late in August, the agency responded […]

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The Dark Side of the Great 5G Experiment Exposed

The Dark Side of the Great 5G Experiment Exposed

5G networks are being deployed on a major scale as corporates gear up for the Internet of Things (IoT), despite a lack of safety testing and a growing body of evidence suggesting harm. Action Alert! A review recently published in the journal Environmental Research, led by Linda Birnbaum, PhD, the former director of the National Institute […]

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FDA Bucks Congress on Anti-Aging Supplement

FDA Bucks Congress on Anti-Aging Supplement

The agency once again signaled its determination to pursue a ban on nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a key supplement that can help turn back the clock on degenerative disease. Action Alert! While many may have given up on finding the mythical “Fountain of Youth,” emerging science is showing us strategies that can be used to help […]

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