Legal and Policy Projects

Legal and Policy Projects

Supplement Access Scientific Censorship Protect Access To Good Food Reform the FDA Protecting Medical Practitioners From Monopolistic Attack Protect Individualized Medicine and Individual Choice   Insure Access To Quality Supplements As staunch advocates of natural health, ANH-USA has long worked to insure that consumers have access to quality supplements. Our organization’s first lawsuit was the landmark […]

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FDA Thumbs Its Nose at Congress—Again!

The agency has issued a new guidance on laboratory developed tests (LDTs), even though a congressional committee challenged its legal authority to do. Action Alert! Last month we told you how the powerful House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee took the FDA to task, saying that the agency’s proposal to put laboratory-developed tests in the […]

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Fish and Prostate Cancer Risk: Fact or Fiction

Fish and Prostate Cancer Risk: Fact or Fiction

By William Faloon, Luke Huber, ND, MBA, Kira Schmid, ND, Blake Gossard, Scott Fogle, ND Several scientific studies have found a reduction in prostate cancer associated with increased omega-3 intake.1-11 A recent report purportedly showed the opposite.12 This report was based on a single blood test of plasma fatty acids in a group of 834 men who were followed up to six years to assess prostate […]

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Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Takes Drug Money

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Takes Drug Money

FACT: The AND receives about $1 million a year in payments from the pharmaceutical industry Because of Sen. Grassley’s investigation, the ADA disclosed their payments from the pharmaceutical, medical device and insurance industries. 

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Integrative Doctors—An Online Guide

The Internet is brimming with info on natural health—including stuff that’s incorrect or incomplete. Which sources can you really trust? Here is ANH-USA’s list, in alphabetical order, of leading integrative physicians who have good, easily digestible newsletters or blogs or websites on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) available to patients and the general public. The […]

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