Tide Turning against Ag-Gag Laws?

Tide Turning against Ag-Gag Laws?

After last year’s landmark decision in Idaho, more ag-gag laws are being challenged in court. State-based Action Alert! Last year, we reported that a federal district court found Idaho’s “ag-gag” law unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds. Like similar ag-gag laws in seven other states, Idaho’s law made it a felony to document and expose illegal […]

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They Knew from the Beginning…

They Knew from the Beginning…

…That GMOs weren’t safe. State-based Action Alerts!  A new study from GMO researcher and molecular biologist Gilles-Éric Séralini, PhD, shows that the first commercialized genetically modified crop in 1996 may have been toxic to farm animals—but the evidence was swept under the rug. You may recall that Dr. Séralini recently won two court cases against […]

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Bananas as We Know Them May Be Disappearing

Bananas as We Know Them May Be Disappearing

They’re being decimated by an incurable fungus. Some scientists think they have an answer—genetic engineering—but will it be tasteless “frankenfruit”? Action Alert! When most people speak of bananas, they’re thinking of a single variety—the yellow Cavendish banana found in almost all grocery stores. But the popularity of this banana has made it susceptible to a […]

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Kids, Eat All the Junk Food You Like—  Just Go Jogging for Three or Four Hours Every Day!

Kids, Eat All the Junk Food You Like— Just Go Jogging for Three or Four Hours Every Day!

It’s amazing how much influence ten million dollars will buy. We recently told you about Coca-Cola’s pet project, the Global Energy Balance Network (GEBN)—a nonprofit that claimed to fund research into causes of obesity, but instead promoted the idea that lack of exercise, not bad diet, is primarily responsible for the obesity epidemic. GEBN used […]

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“Agent Orange” Herbicide Pulled by EPA

“Agent Orange” Herbicide Pulled by EPA

After initially receiving the agency’s rubber stamp, a dangerous pesticide has been removed, at least temporarily, from the market. Following a lawsuit filed by a coalition of groups led by the Center for Food Safety and Earthjustice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that it is revoking the registration of Enlist Duo, a combination […]

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