ANH-USA Citizen Petition To FDA About Dangerous Chemical BPA

ANH-USA Citizen Petition To FDA About Dangerous Chemical BPA ******** Action Alerts for this Campaign ******** Ask CPSC to Reconsider Our Citizen Petition on BPA in Cash Register Receipts Last August, ANH-USA filed a Citizen Petition with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to have the endocrine-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) banned from thermal cash register […]

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ANH–USA Joins Healthcare Repeal Lawsuit

ANH–USA strongly opposed the recently enacted healthcare bill for a variety of reasons. We stand for the freedom of consumers to choose the type of healthcare they want, and the freedom of practitioners to practice without harassment. The healthcare reform act seriously impinges on both. So after a thorough review of our legal options, which took some time, we have decided to join a lawsuit that has been initiated by a distinguished group of physicians to have the act repealed.

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HOME Coalition

Hands Off My Estrogen! The Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA)* has been leading the fight to protect access to individualized medical treatments, including bioidentical hormones. We ask you to join with us in protecting access to estriol by writing to your members of Congress. The Hands Off My Estrogen (HOME) campaign has moved to […]

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Playing Monopoly With Our Health

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) wants to create a monopoly on state nutritional licensure. This organization—which lists among its corporate sponsors soft drink giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, cereal manufacturers General Mills and Kellogg’s, candy maker Mars, and Unilever, the multinational corporation that owns many of the world’s consumer products brands in foods and beverages—already has a stranglehold on who can dispense nutritional counseling at the state level.

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Something Had Gone Terribly Wrong

According to a major international study just published in the International Journal of Epidemiology “using a cell phone seems to protect against two types of brain tumor.” Let that sink in for just a moment and then learn that even the researchers behind the study, funded in part by the cell phone industry, did not believe their results. Which prompts many of us to ask the question “can we count on the studies, the gold standard of double-blind placebo controlled randomized clinical trials”?

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Would You Tolerate This Abuse?

Help Us Reform the FDA! Reform FDA Campaign Overview “FDA Roadblocks Revolution in Nutrition” by ANH-USA President Hunter Lewis “Would You Tolerate This Abuse?” by William Faloon, co-founder of Life Extension Foundation Other Articles and Information Would You Tolerate This Abuse? by William Faloon, CEO, Life Extension Foundation Americans needlessly die while scientific discoveries that […]

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ANH Press Release: ‘United we are stronger’—ANH announces merger

ANH Press Release: ‘United we are stronger’—ANH announces merger PRESS RELEASE – for immediate release 18th DECEMBER 2009 Two leading natural health campaign organisations are formally merging as of today. The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH), based in Dorking, UK, and the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF), of Washington DC, have merged to form […]

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