Another Alzheimer Drug Bites the Dust

Another Alzheimer Drug Bites the Dust

Another potential blockbuster drug has flopped. Despite this,  the feds still have natural alternative treatments in the crosshairs. From Forbes: Investors poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Axovant and its experimental Alzheimer’s drug, intepirdine. But in the end, the medicine was no different from 99% of medicines tested against the brain-wasting disease since 2002 — it […]

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Will Dying People Get The Right to Try?

Will Dying People Get The Right to Try?

Legislation, approved in the Senate, must now pass the House of Representatives. Action Alert! Earlier this year, the “Right to Try” legislation introduced by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) passed by unanimous consent in the Senate. It had a hearing last week in the House, and awaits approval. As things stand now, FDA bureaucrats continue to […]

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A Door Opens for Insurance Coverage of Non-Opioid Pain Treatments

A Door Opens for Insurance Coverage of Non-Opioid Pain Treatments

Thirty-seven state attorneys general recently wrote to American’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), saying that the status quo is unacceptable. We agree. Action Alert! The letter urges AHIP to encourage healthcare providers to prioritize non-opioid pain management options–such as physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, and massage—over opioid prescriptions in the treatment of chronic pain. Opioid addiction […]

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Don’t Turn Vitamins into Drugs

Don’t Turn Vitamins into Drugs

We must keep the FDA from turning a vital nutrient over to Big Pharma. Action Alert! An important study finds that carbidopa, a standard Parkinson’s drug, “irreversibly binds to and permanently deactivates” pyridoxal-5’-phosphate (P5P), a key form of vitamin B6 in the body. The authors describe the essential role P5P plays in the body: “[P5P] […]

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Protect Natural Health Care—Join the Alliance for Natural Health!

Protect Natural Health Care—Join the Alliance for Natural Health!

ANH members rescued bio-identical hormones in 2008 In the 1980s (before ANH) los federales “morphed” a very effective natural insomnia supplement(GHB) that cost (at most) $360 per year into a “drug” now costing $143,604 per year (not kidding!) Join ANH now, stop los federales from “morphing” a safe natural pain reliever (CBD) into yet another […]

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Supplements Killing Children?

Supplements Killing Children?

No, but this false narrative is being pushed by the mainstream media. Last week, a paper in the Journal of Medical Toxicology reported that calls to poison control centers concerning dietary supplements were up 50% over the period 2005-2012, with most of those calls relating to small children. The mainstream media pounced, questioning whether parents […]

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Parallel Healthcare System?

Parallel Healthcare System?

That is exactly what we need. Action Alert! At ANH, we argue that contemporary healthcare systems would be a whole lot less broken if they weren’t so burdened by a range of chronic and degenerative conditions that would be much more effectively dealt with outside the existing hospital/medical/pharma-controlled system. That means building a system for effective, […]

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Tell Congress: Save Natural Medicine

Tell Congress: Save Natural Medicine

The FDA has been distorting law and trampling on our right to access needed medicine. Now, it’s time for us to fight back! Major Action Alert! Congressmen Morgan Griffith (R-VA) and Henry Cuellar (R-TX) recently introduced HR 2871, the Preserving Patient Access to Compounded Medications Act of 2017. This is an important first step toward […]

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Wipeout: FPA Approved Drugs Kill More People than Live in Seattle

Wipeout: FPA Approved Drugs Kill More People than Live in Seattle

Since 2005, the FDA has approved the death instrument of 786,000 people. That’s more than the population of Seattle, DC, or 4 entire states! Action Alert! Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine found that nearly one third of drugs approved between 2001 and 2010 had major safety issues after being made available to patients. […]

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