Lying Labels, No Response

Lying Labels, No Response

Fraudulent organics are flooding US shores and coming to a grocery store near you. The USDA response: crickets. Action Alert! Earlier this year, we reported that millions of bushels of soy and corn imported to the US were fraudulently sold as organic. News reports singled out ETKO, a Turkish organic certifier, as a major source of […]

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Congress to FDA: Cut It Out!

Congress to FDA: Cut It Out!

Congress sends a clear message to the FDA. Will the agency listen? Action Alert! Earlier this month, President Trump signed an appropriations (spending) bill that included very important language on the FDA’s war on customized, natural medicines made at compounding pharmacies. Since the passage of the Drug Quality and Security Act in 2013 (DQSA), the […]

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Congress: “More Crony Medicine, Please”

Congress: “More Crony Medicine, Please”

Lawmakers are on a course to put the FDA even deeper into the pocket of the pharmaceutical industry. Action Alert!  House and Senate leaders are looking to fast-track legislation that will reauthorize the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), the law that allows the US Food and Drug Administration to collect fees from pharmaceutical companies […]

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Even More Natural Medicines Are Now at Risk

Even More Natural Medicines Are Now at Risk

The FDA is likely to move against numerous natural, compounded medicines. Action Alert! The Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) advises the FDA on what supplements and drugs can be individually formulated for patients—many of whom have very specific needs that can only be met through these alternative formulations. The next meeting of the PCAC has […]

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FDA Loosens Reins on 23andMe Gene Tests

FDA Loosens Reins on 23andMe Gene Tests

After selling out to Big Pharma, 23andMe went from being a pariah with the FDA to being a darling. Recently, the FDA approved 23andMe’s direct-to-consumer genetic tests for ten conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and celiac disease. Consumers send 23andMe a saliva sample, and the company sends back genetic data analyzing the disease risk of […]

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Cancer Control Within Reach? Only If It’s Profitable!

Cancer Control Within Reach? Only If It’s Profitable!

Promising studies are lacking follow-up and funding. The problem? The solutions are too cheap! One such potential treatment is an experimental, synthetic cancer drug—DCA (dichloroacetate)—which has, in the early stages of clinical trials, demonstrated effectiveness at fighting cancer. The drug seems to exhibit antitumor effects against several forms of cancer, including brain, cervical, prostate, breast, […]

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Killer: Cancer or Chemo?

Killer: Cancer or Chemo?

This is the choice that far too many patients face with our conventional medical system. FDA-approved cancer treatments like chemotherapy are poisoning patients. A recent analysis found that cancer drugs are themselves killing up to 50% of patients within thirty days, indicating that chemotherapy was the cause of death, not the cancer. Of course, chemotherapy […]

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