Supplements in Peril Update

Supplements in Peril Update

FDA must be worried—they’ve extended the comment period for the supplement guidance. We must use the opportunity to flood the agency with more comments. Please help out! Highest-Level Action Alert! This past August, the FDA issued its long delayed guidance detailing how the supplement industry can bring new products to the market. The guidance deals with […]

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Free Speech: FDA Goes on the Attack Again

Free Speech: FDA Goes on the Attack Again

The real target: your ability to buy supplements of your own choice. Action Alert! The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a “guidance” describing the substantiation needed by infant formula products to make structure/function claims. In the guidance, the FDA “recommends” that double-blind randomized controlled trials (RCTs) be used to substantiate structure/function claims on these […]

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Key Brain Health Herb about to Disappear

Key Brain Health Herb about to Disappear

Unless we act now, the FDA will hand this supplement over to drug companies. Action Alert! We told you recently that the FDA is set to yank vinpocetine from the shelves, even though it had been previously approved as a new dietary ingredient (NDI), that is, a new supplement. Why? Two reasons. Because the agency […]

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Corrupt Pediatricians Disgrace Themselves

Corrupt Pediatricians Disgrace Themselves

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), hugely funded by vaccine makers, calls for a police-state approach to vaccination. Action Alerts! Last month, the Academy, in a report titled “Countering Vaccine Hesitancy,” called for the elimination of all non-medical exemptions to vaccinations, including religious exemptions, on the model of California. Released alongside this report was another report, also from the […]

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FDA Set to Yank Brain Health Herb

FDA Set to Yank Brain Health Herb

Why? Because Alzheimer’s is a hot area, and Big Pharma wants it. Action Alert! A number of months ago we wrote about how Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) called for the removal of picamilon and vinpocetine from store shelves, pending a review of their status as dietary supplements. Sen. McCaskill, who is clearly doing industry’s bidding, […]

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Hillary’s Medicine “Bizarre”?

Hillary’s Medicine “Bizarre”?

What your doctor doesn’t know could harm you. Recently, TV celebrity doctor and board-certified internist Drew Pinsky made some waves by mocking the medicine that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was receiving, saying that he was “gravely concerned” about her “bizarre…1950-level sort of care.” Pinsky was referring to the treatment of Clinton’s hyperthyroidism with Armour […]

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Zero Deaths from Supplements

Zero Deaths from Supplements

This is according to the most recent data. But the FDA’s tightening of supplement regulations is for our safety, right? Action Alert! Every year, the American Association of Poison Control Center’s National Poison Data System (NPDS) releases an annual report that tracks deaths and serious adverse events as a result of poisoning from a wide […]

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Coca-Crony: Sweet Ties to the CDC

Coca-Crony: Sweet Ties to the CDC

More evidence suggests this government agency has been bought and paid for by Coca-Cola. We recently reported that a high-ranking official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had resigned after extensive ties to Coca-Cola were exposed. Dr. Barbara Bowman, director of the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, was helping Coca-Cola […]

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FDA: Massive Attack on Supplements

FDA: Massive Attack on Supplements

The long-awaited revision of FDA guidance rules for new supplements is finally here. It is very bad news. Highest-level Action Alert! We normally publish our newsletter on Tuesday, but are sending out this issue today because of its urgency. What we are dealing with here is whether the supplement industry is allowed to innovate and […]

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European Court Shuts “Loophole” that Saves Lives and Prevents Disease

European Court Shuts “Loophole” that Saves Lives and Prevents Disease

By Rob Verkerk, PhD, founder, executive director, and scientific director of ANH-International The following is a somewhat condensed version of an article from our colleagues at ANH-International. It describes how European government authorities are not only censoring information to consumers, but are even censoring truthful scientific information that health professionals need. The European Court of […]

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