GE Salmon is Coming

GE Salmon is Coming

AquaBounty, the purveyor of the genetically engineered (GE) salmon, said the fish could reach store shelves by April of 2021. Action Alert! In a recent online press conference, a chief executive for AquaBounty said that its genetically engineered salmon would be on sale to the US public in April, adding that seven out of ten […]

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GE Salmon Ruled Unlawful

GE Salmon Ruled Unlawful

This is a major victory for American consumers. Action Alert! The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has ruled that the FDA violated environmental laws in approving genetically engineered (GE) salmon. This is a major victory, especially considering that, given the sham GE food labeling law that Congress passed, the GE salmon […]

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Keep Organics GMO Free

Keep Organics GMO Free

Several important issues are coming before the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) this fall—let’s make sure industry interests don’t prevail. Action Alert! The NOSB will hold its fall 2019 meeting in late October. NOSB is the governing board created by Congress that reviews all synthetic and non-organic materials proposed by Big Ag before they can […]

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What Makes the “Impossible Burger” Possible?

What Makes the “Impossible Burger” Possible?

Behind the approval of the plant-based burger that will be hitting store shelves soon. Action Alert! Plant-based meat products seem to be all the rage. They are billed as a healthier, more environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional meat, and the fad is catching on. Fast-food giant Burger King has announced the “Impossible Whopper,” a meatless version […]

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Feds Loosen GMO Rules

Feds Loosen GMO Rules

New actions from the federal government will unleash even more genetically modified food on the public. Action Alert! President Trump recently signed an executive order to make it easier for genetically engineered (GE) plants and animals to enter the food supply. This follows a proposed rule issued early in June that loosens requirements that certain […]

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Feds Further Muddy GMO Transparency

Feds Further Muddy GMO Transparency

New actions from the federal government will unleash even more genetically modified food on the public. Action Alert! President Trump recently signed an executive order to make it easier for genetically engineered (GE) plants and animals to enter the food supply. This follows a proposed rule issued early in June that loosens requirements that certain […]

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Fracking Fluid Used to Irrigate Organic Crops

Fracking Fluid Used to Irrigate Organic Crops

A loophole in organic regulations means we’re eating more dangerous chemicals. Action Alert! Oil and gas wastewater is contaminating our crops—even some organic crops. Worse, we don’t even know all of the chemicals that we are eating, since the cocktails companies use in their operations are “proprietary.” We must pressure the USDA to clean up […]

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We Can No Longer Rely on Organic Standard

We Can No Longer Rely on Organic Standard

The USDA’s organics program has been taken over by corporate interests; it’s time to fight back. Action Alert! Consumers looking for clean, healthy food have for years turned to foods with the USDA’s organic seal. This seal is understood to mean that the food has been grown in accordance with organic principles—most importantly, that the farming […]

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