This Loophole Allows Chemicals to Hide In Your Food

This Loophole Allows Chemicals to Hide In Your Food

We often see “artificial” or “natural” flavors listed among the ingredients on foods we buy, but do consumers know what these terms mean? Action Alert! Recently, the FDA announced that a group of six artificial flavors would no longer be permitted to be used as food additives. They are: synthetically-derived benzophenone, ethyl acrylate, methyl eugenol, […]

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More Crony Nutrition Advice on the Way?

More Crony Nutrition Advice on the Way?

It’s very likely, unless we can make our voices heard at the FDA. Action Alert! FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced a new initiative earlier this year called the Nutrition Innovation Strategy. It is a broad-based effort to improve the health of Americans through diet, mainly by improving and updating the information on food labels—including devising […]

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Corn Syrup Used in Organic Milk Production

Corn Syrup Used in Organic Milk Production

From the Washington Post: Inside a South Carolina factory, in industrial vats that stand five stories high, batches of algae are carefully tended, kept warm and fed corn syrup. There the algae, known as Schizochytrium, multiply quickly. The payoff, which comes after processing, is a substance that resembles corn oil. It tastes faintly fishy. Marketed […]

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Federal Food Fiasco

Federal Food Fiasco

The government is not qualified to give you nutritional advice. Action Alert! Every five years, the federal government is supposed to release a set of dietary guidelines for Americans. The report contains a number of recommendations to “improve” Americans’ eating habits. While it may sound like a laudable goal, the very nature of the project […]

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Fake Organics: Will Congress Step In?

Fake Organics: Will Congress Step In?

A new bill has important provisions that will help stop fake organics from flooding US markets. Action Alert! A  bill has been introduced by Rep. John Faso (R-NY) to address some of the program’s shortcomings in ensuring the integrity of imported organics. This follows an Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit report that found […]

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New Organic Label on the Way

New Organic Label on the Way

There is a new show in town separate from the government’s big food influenced and increasingly corrupt organic program. From EcoWatch: On Wednesday, the Rodale Institute unveiled draft standards for a new Regenerative Organic Certification, developed by Rodale and a coalition of farmers, ranchers, nonprofits, scientists and brands. When finalized, the certification will go “beyond organic” by establishing […]

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