More Mainstream Media Censorship

More Mainstream Media Censorship

This time directed at Joseph Mercola, MD. is a key natural health resource on line. We couldn’t recommend it more strongly for advice on every imaginable topic. And it is free. Dr. Mercola recently released a new book, Fat for Fuel. This cutting-edge book focuses in particular on how to optimize mitochondrial function, but […]

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Coconut Oil Bad for You?

Coconut Oil Bad for You?

No. Just the opposite. Given the evidence favoring coconut oil, why is a new report from the American Heart Association (AHA) promoting this falsehood? And why is the media spreading it with headlines like “Coconut Oil Isn’t the Miracle Food You Thought It Was” and “Coconut Oil Isn’t Healthy. It’s Never Been Healthy.” None of […]

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Ohio Moves to Rein in Nutritional Monopolists

Ohio Moves to Rein in Nutritional Monopolists

We’re making progress in the effort to make sure health coaches and nutritionists can practice. State-based Action Alert! Last year, we sent letters to the sixteen states that had the worst monopolistic scope-of-practice laws for the nutrition profession. This action was a follow-up to court victories that sent a clear signal to monopolistic boards to […]

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Free Speech: FDA Goes on the Attack Again

Free Speech: FDA Goes on the Attack Again

The real target: your ability to buy supplements of your own choice. Action Alert! The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a “guidance” describing the substantiation needed by infant formula products to make structure/function claims. In the guidance, the FDA “recommends” that double-blind randomized controlled trials (RCTs) be used to substantiate structure/function claims on these […]

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Coca-Crony: Sweet Ties to the CDC

Coca-Crony: Sweet Ties to the CDC

More evidence suggests this government agency has been bought and paid for by Coca-Cola. We recently reported that a high-ranking official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had resigned after extensive ties to Coca-Cola were exposed. Dr. Barbara Bowman, director of the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, was helping Coca-Cola […]

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US Department of Monsanto (a.k.a. USDA)

US Department of Monsanto (a.k.a. USDA)

This particular crony alliance isn’t even secretive about it. Action Alert! We think of Monsanto and other companies as developers and promoters of GMOs. But thanks to passage of the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986, as well as President Reagan’s Executive Order #12591—“Facilitating Access to Science and Technology”—the USDA is also directly in the […]

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Feds Eat Crow on Raw Milk Cheese

Feds Eat Crow on Raw Milk Cheese

A government study on raw milk cheese says it’s safe to eat. Will it be enough for the feds to call off the dogs on artisanal cheese producers? Action Alert! Last fall, we reported that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began accepting public comments that would assist the agency in minimizing the threat […]

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