Industry GMO Labeling Bill Passes

Industry GMO Labeling Bill Passes

Once again, Congress has sold out voters. Last Thursday, the phony GMO “labeling” bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 306–117. The bill now awaits President Obama’s signature, and our sources tell us that he is likely to sign the bill into law. Many organizations are flooding the White House with messages. […]

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Sneak DC Bill Alert

Sneak DC Bill Alert

Crony GMO “labeling” bill has language that could be used to stop companies from using a non-GMO label! We need to stop this now! Major Action Alert! We’ve been reporting on the Roberts-Stabenow bill for some weeks now. The public is being told it’s a “mandatory labeling” bill. We call it a “liar labeling” bill—a […]

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Bad GMO Deal Must Be Stopped

Bad GMO Deal Must Be Stopped

It’s mandatory labeling in name only. It discriminates against the poor. And it is clearly a gift to Big Food. Major Action Alert! For weeks now, Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) have been working on a GMO labeling bill that would pre-empt Vermont’s mandatory labeling law. Late last week they finally reached […]

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Poison for Breakfast, Anyone?

Poison for Breakfast, Anyone?

ANH-USA tested common breakfast foods for the presence of glyphosate, the toxic herbicide. Here’s what we found. Action Alert! By now it has become common knowledge that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup—the most common weed killer in the world—poses many grave threats to human health and has been classified as a possible carcinogen by […]

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Mystery Food Mandated by Congress?

Mystery Food Mandated by Congress?

If approved, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement could eliminate our right to know where our food comes from. We must stop this. Action Alert! Since the full text of the TPP deal was released in November 2015 (after many years of closed-door negotiations), we’ve been telling you about the many corrupt provisions it contains, […]

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Dissent Silenced in Nutrition Debate

Dissent Silenced in Nutrition Debate

What are the supporters of the government’s “US Dietary Guidelines for Americans” afraid of? Last week, investigative journalist and author Nina Teicholz was disinvited from participating in a panel discussion at the Consumer Federation of America’s National Food Policy Conference. Other panelists reportedly said that they would not participate with her, and got the organizers […]

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Senate DARK Act Defeated!

Senate DARK Act Defeated!

And we did it thanks to the activism of ANH-USA members and our allies. Did your senators support your right to know? Last week, the movement to block mandatory labeling at the state level was dealt a decisive blow in the Senate. Sen. Pat Roberts’ voluntary GMO labeling legislation did not pass a cloture vote […]

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Wood Pulp in Your Cheese?

Wood Pulp in Your Cheese?

That’s what the Feds are finding in Big Food cheese products. These are the same regulators that want to eliminate artisanal cheese. Action Alert! A recent Bloomberg News investigation reveals massive deception in the labeling of Big Food’s parmesan cheese products. The report details how Big Food companies are using cellulose, an anti-clumping agent made […]

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URGENT—Bad GMO Bill on Fast Track

URGENT—Bad GMO Bill on Fast Track

The plan appears to be to rush Sen. Pat Roberts’ voluntary GMO labeling legislation through Congress before opposition can form. We may only have days to stop it. Urgent Action Alert!  Last week, we reported that another voluntary labeling bill in the Senate was in the works, introduced by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS). Last Friday […]

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ANH Wall of Shame & Fame

ANH Wall of Shame & Fame

The good and bad health and food policies that we live with come about as the result of the efforts by individuals, special interest groups, policymakers and agencies pursuing agendas that either support or erode access to natural health. This is a list of some of the best and worst actors on these issues (click […]

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