Get Big Pharma Money Out of Science

Get Big Pharma Money Out of Science ******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ******** Help us Reform the FDA! ANH-USA is leading a campaign to reform the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  We ask you to join with us in signing the Reform FDA Petition presented below. This petition will be delivered to Congress. Take […]

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Big Pharma and the FDA: Suppress the Science, Ban the Natural Substances, Sell the Drugs!

In 2005, an up-and-coming pharmaceutical company made a big mistake: they invested millions of dollars into developing a drug only to discover that the only active ingredient of the drug, pyridoxamine, was really a common, naturally occurring substance that has been sold for decades at low cost to consumers in the form of a dietary […]

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Pharma-Backed Study: Herbs Are Destroying Your Liver!

Pharma-Backed Study: Herbs Are Destroying Your Liver!

Another slanted study is part of larger, ongoing efforts to eliminate your supplements. Action Alert! THE TOPLINE Your vitamins are under attack once again. Coincidentally released days after the introduction of Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) anti-supplement legislation, a new botanical-bashing study in JAMA Network Open plays all the hits: according to the authors, supplements are […]

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ANH Launches Petition to Curb Big Tech Censorship

ANH Launches Petition to Curb Big Tech Censorship

We’re excited to announce the launch of our FreeSpeech4Health campaign. Support our petition calling on YouTube to change its medical misinformation policy to allow free speech about natural health! Action Alert! THE TOPLINE FreeSpeech4Health campaign launch At ANH, we have launched a major campaign this week that aims to force YouTube to change its medical […]

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Nutrition Advice, Brought to You by Big Food

Nutrition Advice, Brought to You by Big Food

Released government documents show how Big Food has tried to stack a nutrition panel responsible for determining US dietary guidelines. Action Alert! An investigation by STAT News has found that an advisory committee responsible for shaping American nutrition recommendations is rife with conflicts of interest. This helps explain why the Guidelines have, for years now, […]

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ANH Scores Big Win for Supplement Science

ANH Scores Big Win for Supplement Science

For years, we’ve been asking the FDA to stop needlessly blocking research on dietary supplements with red tape. Finally, they’ve listened! We are excited to share a monumental victory that has come about as a direct result of ANH-USA advocacy. In 2014, the FDA started applying drug rules to research being conducted on nutrients. This […]

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