Are GMOs the Same as Conventional Crops?

Are GMOs the Same as Conventional Crops?

Of course not. But that is what the US government has been pretending. Action Alert! A new study states authoritatively, in scientific terms, that GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and conventional crops are different and explains why. This is a critical first step toward making it easier for you to have a choice about whether GM […]

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Glyphosate: Will the EPA Capitulate to Its Cronies?

Glyphosate: Will the EPA Capitulate to Its Cronies?

They’re concerned the truth will come out about this ubiquitous poison. Action Alert! Recently we reported that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a draft report on the carcinogenic potential of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. This was in advance of a meeting in which a panel of scientists would discuss […]

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GMO: The Truth about the Science

GMO: The Truth about the Science

The truth can be very hard to get. So we’ve updated our own GMO Fact Check site. And we need to stop a new effort to use taxpayer money to spread industry propaganda. Action Alert! Earlier this month, major biotech and agriculture groups sent a letter to key members of the House and Senate Appropriations […]

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GMOs Give Control of the Food Supply to Multinational Corporations

GMOs Give Control of the Food Supply to Multinational Corporations

Monsanto, Syngenta, and other multinational biotech corporations own all GE seeds. In order to have a crop, farmers must buy these “inventions” from companies at prices they set, in amounts they make available. They must sign agreements to run their farming operations according to the rules of multinational corporations. GM seeds effectively turn over ownership […]

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Frankenbroccoli for Dinner?

Frankenbroccoli for Dinner?

Organic products are at risk. Action Alert! When consumers purchase organic produce, they expect to avoid vegetables and fruits that have been genetically modified or sprayed with dangerous pesticides. The unsettling reality, however, is that cross-contamination between GM plants and conventional or organic plants is not only possible—it is already happening. Take the example of […]

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