USDA Makes GMOs Disappear

USDA Makes GMOs Disappear

It’s official: the “mandatory” GMO labeling rule will obscure more than it makes transparent. Action Alert! The USDA has released its final GMO labeling rule, and it’s not good. As we feared when the agency released its proposal earlier this year, the so-called GMO labeling law will apply only to a narrow set of foods. […]

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Drug Companies are Stealing from You

Drug Companies are Stealing from You

…with the help of the federal government and universities. Action Alert! The high cost of prescription drugs has recently made headlines, evidenced by price-gouging schemes that cause drug prices to skyrocket 5,000% (as in the case with the infamous Martin Shkreli and the drug Daraprim) or Mylan’s more recent price hike on EpiPen’s to over […]

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NIH’s Drunken (And Corrupt) Science

NIH’s Drunken (And Corrupt) Science

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sought funding for an alcohol study—from the alcohol industry. From the Washington Examiner: Scientists and officials from the National Institutes of Health worked to solicit donations from the alcohol industry for a study they said would likely conclude that moderate drinking is healthy, according to a new report. The […]

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Conflicts of Interest Mar FDA Pharmacy Committee

Conflicts of Interest Mar FDA Pharmacy Committee

Individualized and natural medications are under threat. Action Alert! Millions of Americans rely on customized medicines made at compounding pharmacies, including bioidentical hormones like estriol. That access is threatened by an FDA advisory committee that is rife with conflicts of interest, including the pharmaceutical industry, which competes with compounding pharmacies. For years now, we’ve been […]

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Do We Really Want a Future of Synthetic Foods?

Do We Really Want a Future of Synthetic Foods?

Many in Congress do, according to a letter nearly 80 representatives just sent to the FDA, USDA, and EPA. Action Alert! The letter, presumably inspired by big corporate donors, calls for the agencies to provide a “consistent, appropriate” approach to the regulation of biotechnology. On the one hand, the FDA has proposed to regulate any […]

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Sit Down and Eat Your GMOs

Sit Down and Eat Your GMOs

Consumers are targeted by the FDA’s newest GMO propaganda campaign. From the FDA: The U.S Food and Drug Administration is announcing public meetings to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, and San Francisco, California, regarding its Agricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative. Congress appropriated $3 million to fund this initiative, which calls upon the FDA to […]

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African Colonialism All Over Again

African Colonialism All Over Again

An aid program is serving up African nations on a silver platter—to Monsanto. The deal threatens to rob and imprison farmers needing aid, while growing profits for the Ag giant. Tanzania recently enacted a law that criminalized seed sharing, an ancient agricultural practice that is widespread in many parts of the world and critical to […]

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FDA Loosens Reins on 23andMe Gene Tests

FDA Loosens Reins on 23andMe Gene Tests

After selling out to Big Pharma, 23andMe went from being a pariah with the FDA to being a darling. Recently, the FDA approved 23andMe’s direct-to-consumer genetic tests for ten conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and celiac disease. Consumers send 23andMe a saliva sample, and the company sends back genetic data analyzing the disease risk of […]

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