Big Ag, Big Chem Team Up

Big Ag, Big Chem Team Up

The largest agribusinesses and chemical giants are building support in the new administration, and beyond. Action Alert! President-elect Joe Biden is reportedly considering former US senator and Big Ag ally Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) as the next Secretary of Agriculture. Separately, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations recently announced a pending partnership […]

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FDA: A Case Study in Cronyism

FDA: A Case Study in Cronyism

Crony ties between the drug industry and FDA put Americans at risk. Action Alert! Pharmaceutical executives getting high-ranking jobs in the FDA; former FDA employees going to work for Big Pharma. This revolving door between regulator and industry is the very definition of the “fox guarding the henhouse.” This cronyism is putting Americans lives at […]

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Frankenmosquitoes on the Loose in Brazil

Frankenmosquitoes on the Loose in Brazil

…and Biotech’s experiment becomes our disaster. Action Alert! In 2013, a British biotech company, Oxitec, unleased nearly half a million genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil in an attempt to reduce mosquito-borne diseases. But the experiment has not gone to plan, according to a new paper: the experiment has resulted in the unintended contamination of the […]

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Feds Loosen GMO Rules

Feds Loosen GMO Rules

New actions from the federal government will unleash even more genetically modified food on the public. Action Alert! President Trump recently signed an executive order to make it easier for genetically engineered (GE) plants and animals to enter the food supply. This follows a proposed rule issued early in June that loosens requirements that certain […]

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Feds Further Muddy GMO Transparency

Feds Further Muddy GMO Transparency

New actions from the federal government will unleash even more genetically modified food on the public. Action Alert! President Trump recently signed an executive order to make it easier for genetically engineered (GE) plants and animals to enter the food supply. This follows a proposed rule issued early in June that loosens requirements that certain […]

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Courts Making Bayer/Monsanto Pay for Their Poison

Courts Making Bayer/Monsanto Pay for Their Poison

Juries are awarding victims of glyphosate with massive amounts in damages. We’ve been reporting for years on the negative health effects of glyphosate, the active ingredient in the Roundup herbicide. While world bodies like the World Health Organization say that glyphosate is a “probable carcinogen,” the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains that glyphosate is […]

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Label GMOs

Label GMOs

GMOs—or, genetically modified organisms—are increasingly becoming part of our food supply. They are largely unregulated, despite the fact that no long term safety testing has confirmed that GMOs are safe. US regulators have relied on data provided by the biotech companies that show these products are safe, despite a growing amount of peer-reviewed research that […]

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FDA’s Deafening Silence on Ebola Cures

FDA’s Deafening Silence on Ebola Cures

In the midst of another terrible outbreak, why doesn’t the agency discuss natural treatments that can protect us? Action Alert! The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is in the midst of the second largest Ebola outbreak in history (the worst was in West Africa in 2014). Since August 2018, 740 people have been infected—30 percent […]

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