Why Big Pharma’s days are numbered

Why Big Pharma’s days are numbered

Making way for a parallel medical system based on the principles of natural health June 27, 2017 By Robert Verkerk, BSc MSc DIC PhD FACN Founder, executive and scientific director, Alliance for Natural Health International Scientific director, Alliance for Natural Health USA Has Big Pharma had its heyday? We think so. It’s an industry borne […]

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Who Will Give Us Trustworthy Diet Advice?

Who Will Give Us Trustworthy Diet Advice?

Not the government. Not most doctors. This is why we need to protect health coaches. Action Alert! The government’s advice is completely tainted by special interest influence, politics, and a refusal to admit mistakes. This was illustrated again by last week’s report from the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA), “Dietary […]

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Feds Crack Down on Criminal Supplement Dealer

Feds Crack Down on Criminal Supplement Dealer

In contrast to other recent actions against supplement companies, this time it appears justified. Last week, the US Department of Justice, in conjunction with the Federal Trade Commission and the FDA, announced criminal indictments against a sports supplement manufacturer, USPLabs, as part of a nationwide sweep that included more than 100 supplement makers. The USPLabs […]

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Bad GMO Labeling Bill Expected Soon

Bad GMO Labeling Bill Expected Soon

A new bill to let food producers decide whether to label GMOs could prevent states from passing mandatory labeling laws. It’s expected to be introduced in the next few weeks—so we need to dissuade potential co-sponsors now! Action Alert! At the behest of the Monsantos and Cargills of the world, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) is expected […]

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USDA Power Play Threatens the Future of Organic Foods

USDA Power Play Threatens the Future of Organic Foods

Last week saw an inter-agency power grab. It begins with the weakening of organic standards—and could end with the term “organic” becoming practically meaningless. Action Alert! In September, the USDA announced changes to its interpretation of the “sunset” provision in the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA), an incredibly important piece of legislation that Congress passed […]

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