Bill Gates: The Planet’s Unofficial Minister of Health

Bill Gates: The Planet’s Unofficial Minister of Health

…in shaping the world’s response to this and future pandemics. An in-depth Politico report shows how powerful non-governmental organizations wielded incredible influence in shaping the global response to the COVID pandemic—with almost no oversight. The report notes that four global non-governmental organizations, all with ties to Bill Gates—the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome […]

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The Red Meat Witch-Hunt Exposed

The Red Meat Witch-Hunt Exposed

Find out why Gates-funded meat demonization is non-science and the Global Burden of Disease data can’t be trusted. By Rob Verkerk PhD, executive & scientific director, ANH-International. THE TOPLINE Red meat eating has been demonized because of its alleged adverse impacts on the environment and on health Find out why it isn’t red meat that’s […]

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FDA Raising Our Blood Pressure

FDA Raising Our Blood Pressure

The FDA accepted a health claim for magnesium, but somehow still manages to censor information on this critical nutrient. Action Alert! Earlier this month, the FDA announced it will allow a health claim regarding magnesium and hypertension. The agency admits there is scientific support that magnesium helps with high blood pressure…but the evidence is “inconsistent […]

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Unregulated Chemicals Kill Millions Every Year

Unregulated Chemicals Kill Millions Every Year

…and the EPA does nothing. Faced with such needless death, why is this agency doing nothing to protect us? Action Alert! An analysis by the World Health Institute found that, in 2019, chemical exposures resulted in the death of 2 million people globally and the loss of 53 million disability adjusted life-years. This is likely […]

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Bayer/Monsanto Using Courts to Limit Transparency

Bayer/Monsanto Using Courts to Limit Transparency

We all know glyphosate causes cancer: how is Bayer/Monsanto avoiding saying so on their label? Action Alert! Bayer/Monsanto has agreed to pay $10 billion to resolve thousands of lawsuits alleging that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the popular herbicide Roundup, causes cancer. At the same time, Bayer has used the courts to prevent California from […]

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Children’s Food Doused with Carcinogen

Children’s Food Doused with Carcinogen

We are, quite literally, poisoning our kids. Action Alert! Testing of children’s breakfast cereals from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has found that major brands, such as General Mills’ Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios, are contaminated with high levels of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto/Bayer’s Roundup herbicide. These results provide more evidence to support […]

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EPA Actively Deceiving Public on Glyphosate

EPA Actively Deceiving Public on Glyphosate

New analysis shows the agency willfully ignored evidence of glyphosate’s danger. Action Alert! A former executive director of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) board on agriculture has published an analysis comparing the World Health Organization’s (WHO) and the EPA’s evaluation of glyphosate. The WHO famously concluded that glyphosate was a probable carcinogen, while the […]

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USDA Makes GMOs Disappear

USDA Makes GMOs Disappear

It’s official: the “mandatory” GMO labeling rule will obscure more than it makes transparent. Action Alert! The USDA has released its final GMO labeling rule, and it’s not good. As we feared when the agency released its proposal earlier this year, the so-called GMO labeling law will apply only to a narrow set of foods. […]

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Why Big Pharma’s days are numbered

Making way for a parallel medical system based on the principles of natural health By Robert Verkerk PhD Founder, executive and scientific director, Alliance for Natural Health International Scientific director, Alliance for Natural Health USA Has Big Pharma had its heyday? We think so. It’s an industry borne out of a business model that’s more […]

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