Other FDA Articles

Ending the Atrocities A startling number of reports reveal the FDA is in far worse shape than originally thought. Few people comprehend that they are likely to suffer and die prematurely as a result of FDA’s failures. Http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2009/mar2009_FDA-Ending-the-Atrocities_01 Ending the Atrocities of the FDA; Life Extension Urges Immediate Petition Action for Health Freedom NaturalNews and […]

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Government for Sale

Government for Sale ******** Action Alerts for This Campaign ******** Tell Congress to Support the BoxerDeFazio GMO Labeling Bills! The Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act was introduced last Wednesday in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) with nine cosponsors in […]

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Why Do The Major Media Get It So Wrong?

Why Do The Major Media Get It So Wrong? ********Action Alerts For This Campaign******** Last Monday the Archives of Internal Medicine,  released a study claiming that vitamin use might lead to an earlier death. The study was “junk science” at its worst. Worst of all, the media have skewed and misreported the study with devastating […]

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FDA Articles

Help Us Reform the FDA! Reform FDA Campaign Overview “FDA Roadblocks Revolution in Nutrition” by ANH-USA President Hunter Lewis “Would You Tolerate This Abuse?” by William Faloon, co-founder of Life Extension Foundation Other Articles and Information Articles and Information from The Pulse of Natural Health FDA-Approved Drug Linked to 542 Deaths and 2,367 Hemorrhages, but […]

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Jonathan Lizotte

Jonathan Lizotte

Founder, Designs for Health ANH-USA, Treasurer www.designsforhealth.com Jonathan Lizotte launched his nutrition industry career in 1989 when he founded Designs for Health with his wife, Linda. With a team of nutritionists managing 22 Northeastern offices, the newly formed company focused on providing nutrition counseling services for the treatment of a variety of health conditions. The […]

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ANH-USA In The News

Here are just a few of the places where the Alliance for Natural Health USA is mentioned: 2013 WholeFoods Magazine – “Senator Tom Harkin, Industry Champion, to Retire in 2015.” March Nutra-Ingredients – “CRN, NPA: Exactly what problem is New York bill to regulate sports supplements trying to solve?” Mar. 20 Nutra-ingredients – “New law would enable firms […]

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Do Mandatory Vaccinations Achieve Higher Rates of Immunization?

Tami Wahl, ANH-USA’s legislative director, attended the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination, held in Reston, Va., October 2-4, 2009. The conference was hosted by the National Vaccine Information Center, a nonprofit educational organization founded in 1982. The oldest and largest consumer organization advocating for the institution of vaccine safety and the protection of informed […]

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