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Spreading the Message of Health Freedom on Social Networking Sites

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Social media and networking sites are taking the world by storm. They are transforming the way we access and receive news and information. Additionally, now more than ever before individuals that support the same cause can connect and communicate with each other on a daily basis.
AAHF has created accounts for Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. We actively update each site and are gaining new supporters every day. These sites will keep you connected with our organization as well as keep our supporters current with health freedom issues and natural health news:

  • Visit and search for “American Association for Health Freedom” to add us as a MySpace friend

Finally, you can also visit,which brings you the latest, scientific natural health news.
AAHF is harnessing the networking power of social media sites, organizing and recruiting members to gain momentum for our cause. We hope that you will become a Facebook “Fan” and a MySpace friend, and follow our tweets on Twitter. As always, we are working for the right of the consumer to choose and the practitioner to practice—and we need your help in spreading the word!

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