Court Finds For ANH-USA In Stunning Victory Over FDA (Thank You Jonathan Emord!)

Court Finds For ANH-USA In Stunning Victory Over FDA (Thank You Jonathan Emord!)

This was a key federal case argued for ANH-USA and other plaintiffs by Jonathan Emord and the Emord law firm. It was a remarkable seventh victory for Emord over the FDA in the area of allowable health claims for food or supplements. Unless reversed on appeal, the decision restricts the Agency’s ability to place gag orders on the emerging science behind healthy foods and dietary supplements.

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Major League Sports Pushes to End Supplement Freedom

Last week we asked you to contact your senators and tell them not to co-sponsor but instead oppose Senator McCain’s recently introduced Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA). Thank you to the large numbers who have already taken action. It is now time to let Big Sports know how we feel as well. Big businesses do not like to upset their customers, and it is time to let them know we are very unhappy with their actions. Please take action now!

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