Can Medical Providers Legally Strike Back?

Integrative physicians are disproportionately the targets of state medical board action. They are often held to a different standard. Because their practice is outside the norm, the charge of “practicing outside the standard of care for the practice of medicine” is often leveled at them—even in the absence of any patient being harmed.

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Integrative Vision Award Bestowed upon AAHF President

The American College for Advancement in Medicine meeting was held in Las Vegas, October 15–19, 2008. Jonathan Wright, M.D., a distinguished clinician, educator, and ACAM member, introduced Hunter Lewis, president of American Association for Health Freedom. Then Jeanne Drisko, M.D., ACAM president and University of Kansas Medical School professor, presented Lewis the Integrative Vision Award […]

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Post-Traumatic Stress in the Armed Forces — A Call to Help Our Troops

According to the October 27 edition of USA Today, increasing numbers of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans are seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to the chief of the traumatic stress program at the National Institute of Mental Health, it’s a biologically based condition where the body’s stress-response system goes into overdrive.

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Our Troops Deserve Better

The Truth about Supplement Use among the Armed Forces In 1997, the National Defense Council Foundation found that the federal government could save up to $6.3 billion annually by increasing the health of active and retired military personnel through an anti-aging program—one that includes the use of vitamin supplementation. That report clashed with a recent […]

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The Campaign against Alternative Health Practitioners

A recent post in the blog of attorney of Michael Cohen, author of Legal Issues in Alternative Medicine and other books, speaks to pending cases by the Florida Department of Health against unlicensed practitioners of alternative medicine. In fact, graduates of accredited institutions such as Bastyr University have been unable to use their professional degree […]

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Chelation TACT Trial Announces that Enrollment Has Temporarily Ceased

The investigators and institutions that have been participating in the National Institutes of Health Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) have temporarily and voluntarily suspended enrollment of new participants in the study. The lead TACT investigator, Gervasio Lamas, M.D., of the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine, received a complaint from an outside party […]

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