Genetically Altered Animals and Foods—AAHF Looks at the Issues

On February 6, the FDA made history by approving the first drug made with materials from genetically engineered (GE) goats. Last month the Agency issued guidelines covering how it will regulate products from genetically altered animals, despite controversy about this technology. The bottom line is that this stamp of approval comes with little knowledge of […]

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Chemicals in Our Children

In 2001, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, which unveiled the first available benchmarks for a few of the thousands of chemicals to which we are all exposed. The report is based on blood/urine samples taken in twelve US locations from about 3,800 […]

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Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research

Columnist George Will in the January 29 issue of the Washington Post first noted that “The stimulus legislation creates a council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. This is about medicine but not about healing the economy. The CER would identify (this is language from the draft report on the legislation) medical ‘items, procedures, and interventions’ that […]

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Institute of Medicine Has Announced the Next Vit D Food and Nutrition Board. Guess Who is Left Out?

Vitamin D has been called the “buzz” vitamin of 2008. It’s early 2009 and current medical research demonstrating the benefits of optimal vitamin D supplementation is still coming in. Vitamin D has now been found to help diminish age-related mental decline, and vitamin D deficiency is linked to erythropoietic protoporphyria photosensitivity, a metabolic disorder characterized […]

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