FDA to Standardize Labeling of Food

Various labeling systems are currently being used by U.S. retailers and food makers to make nutritional claims. Barbara Schneeman, Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Office of Nutrition, Labeling and Dietary Supplements, recently sent an open letter to the food industry stating the agency’s intent to develop a new regulation to define “the nutritional criteria that […]

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Citing Steroids in Supplements, Congress Considers Tweaking Dietary Regulations

According to the New York Times, federal agents have recently raided several companies suspected of making bodybuilding products that illegally contain steroids and selling them as over-the-counter dietary supplements. On September 29, 2009, Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., chair of the Senate sub-committee on Judiciary, Crime and Drugs, convened a hearing on the topic. The forum […]

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ANH-USA has filed three lawsuits against the FDA in recent weeks. In each case, we have been joined as plaintiffs by dietary supplement formulators Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw and the Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship. We are being represented by the law firm of Emord & Associates.

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New Bill (HR2749) Gives FDA Unheard-of Power Over Small Farmers, Food and Supplement Producers

A new, long-awaited food safety bill is now before the US House of Representatives. It is the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, or FSEA. Introduced by Reps. Henry Waxman (D–CA) and John Dingell (D–MI), the FSEA is meant to address food safety concerns. But as you will see, much of it is not about […]

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Urgent Action Needed to Ensure that the FDA Does Not Create a Monopoly for Weight Loss Supplements!

Pharmaceutical companies have figured out that the FDA can be reshaped into a tool to increase their profits instead of doing its actual job—screening drugs for safety on behalf of consumers. First, there was the pharmaceutical company assault on your access to vitamin B6. The FDA has now ended your access to one of the […]

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Trilateral Cooperation Charter—Can We Count on Assurances of No Harmonization?

The Trilateral Cooperation Charter, or TCC, is an agreement signed in 2004 by Mexico, Canada, and the US. Its purpose is to increase communication, collaboration, and the exchange of information among the three countries in the areas of drugs, biologics, medical devices, food safety and nutrition—in theory, an exchange of “best practices.”

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