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URGENT ACTION NEEDED IN NEW JERSEY: October Vote Threatens Freedom of Choice in Healthcare

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Freedom of healthcare choice in New Jersey is facing a serious threat with the NJ Assembly Bill A2933 / Senate Bill S1941 vote scheduled for early in October. This bill and its identical counterpart in the NJ Senate would prevent any practitioner other than a dietician to teach, consult, or advise about health, nutrition, supplements, diet, food, or food materials.

With 78% of our nation’s record healthcare (or, more properly, “disease-care”) dollars going to the treatment of chronic health conditions, it is vital that medical doctors, osteopaths, clinical nutritionists, and other qualified practitioners be allowed to offer nutritional counseling. Teaching a patient about dietary and nutritional lifestyle choices is an essential factor in the patient’s health. Receiving qualified advice about nutritional supplementation to address deficiencies and imbalances that impact their health is critical.
We need to take action IMMEDIATELY against this outrageous legislation, sponsored by the American Dietetics Association, which would limit the freedom of healthcare for both practitioners and patients alike. We need your support.

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