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Open Letter: Glyphosate Testing

Open Letter: Glyphosate Testing
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Last week, we published a white paper concerning the presence of glyphosate in common American breakfast foods. We performed our tests using the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) methodology, and disseminated the results to our members and the media.
In publicizing the results of this test, it was not our intention to identify or target any particular company or brand, particularly given the limitations of all testing methodologies, and especially because it detracts from the larger issue, which is that glyphosate appears to be ubiquitous in all of our food. Although we excluded company information from the materials we disseminated, company names were unintentionally shared with the media via the lab results.
Our goal is to further a conversation on a much larger issue: the growing prevalence of dangerous chemicals in our food system as a whole. It is our hope that research in this vein will educate consumers and gain the attention of regulators, spurring them to action to protect public health and remove dangerous substances from the food we eat and feed our families.
The ELISA testing was always meant to be a first step, a prelude to a more in-depth examination of this issue. All testing methodologies have their limitations, and the ELISA method is no different. To ensure that we have the best, most accurate results possible for specific levels of glyphosate in these foods, we will be performing additional testing using other methodologies. This additional testing will give us an even clearer understanding of what is going on in our food system and what should be done to protect Americans from harm.
We look forward to sharing the results of this subsequent testing with our members and the general public, and to continue to serve our role as staunch advocates for consumer access to safe, clean food.
Other articles in this week’s Pulse of Natural Health:
Is Monsanto’s Glyphosate Actually Helping the Environment?
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Why Does the FDA Think Eating Buttered Cigarettes or Egg Shells is OK?

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