State Medical Board Attacks On Integrative MD’s and DO’s

State Medical Board Attacks On Integrative MD’s and DO’s

Integrative Practitioners Working Toward a Level Playing Field
Integrative practitioners have had an uphill battle in protecting their right to practice medicine in a manner that assesses the whole patient—mind, body, lifestyle, and genetics. The right to exercise independent judgment in developing a course of treatment for a patient that exceeds the conventional model of care has been under the microscope by the allopathic community for years and many integrative practitioners have paid the price.
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Download ANH-USA’s 80-page report: Know Your State’s Medical Board: An Integrative Medical Practitioner’s Guide to Understanding the Legal and Regulatory Environments in the 50 States (PDF)

******** Action Alerts for This Campaign ********

Is Your State Medical Board in Bed with the FSMB?

The Senate Finance Committee has launched an investigation into the close ties between pharmaceutical companies and the FSMB. Please contact your local state medical board and demand information about its relationship with the FSMB!
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Tell the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners to Stop Harassing Integrative Physicians!
The LSBME has demonstrated a clear bias against the CAM and integrative physicians. In one recent case, it targeted a minor record-keeping violation and assigned penalties far beyond what such small infractions usually incur and tried to suspend the doctor even when a court had ruled that the violations didn’t occur!
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Tell the Texas Legislative Oversight Committees and Gov. Rick Perry to Stop the TMB’s Harassment of Dr. Burzynski!
For nearly three decades, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has been battling the FDA and the Texas Medical Board (TMB) over his important, nontoxic, gene-targeted cancer therapy called antineoplastons. He has won every court battle, and has been vindicated in every hearing.
But now the TMB is making yet another attempt to revoke Dr. Burzynski’s medical license which, if successful, would result in the closure of his clinic, the abandonment of all his patients.
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Stop the Washington State Medical Board’s Persecution of Dr. Wright!
The Washington State Medical Quality Assurance Commission (MQAC) is blaming Dr. Jonathan Wright for a mistake that was actually made by the Commission. Dr. Wright’s clinic hired an MD whose Washington State license, according to the MQAC website, was “pending,” which allowed him to practice under close supervision according to the law. MQAC has now scheduled a three-day hearing March 18–20, and Dr. Wright’s license will be at stake. Please contact your governor and your legislators about MQAC blaming—and threatening Dr. Wright with penalties—for a problem MQAC itself created!
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Read More About State Medical Board Attacks On Integrative MD’s and DO’s:

A Natural Health Trailblazing MD Needs Your Help
Jonathan.Wright.MD.pictureMay 9, 2013
What an embarrassment for Washington State!
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Perry and the Texas State Medical Board
sealSeptember 20, 2011
The HPV vaccine is not the only issue which ties Governor Perry to special interests and “dirty deals” in medicine.
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Readers’ Corner: Can Physicians Write Prescriptions for Drugs that the FDA Has Not Approved?
September 13, 2011 A reader asks us to clarify.Read More>>

Readers’ Corner: Can My Doctor Get Into Big Legal Trouble by Offering Natural Health Treatments?
iStock_000011395046XSmallAugust 9, 2011
A reader asks an important question about the laws threatening integrative doctors. We lay it all out.
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Threat to Texas Chiropractors’ Scope of Practice
chiropracticJuly 12, 2011
The Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) wants to greatly limit the scope of chiropractic practice in Texas. Why?
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Could It Be? Texas to Create a Board of Integrative Medicine!
medical signApril 19, 2011
Is the Federation of State Medical Boards Behind the Brutal Attacks on Integrative Medicine Practitioners?
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Urgent Action Alert for North Carolinians! Medical Licensing Bill Due for Vote Tuesday Evening
NCcapitolApril 5, 2011
The North Carolina Senate is likely voting on a bill this evening which will make the unlicensed and unregistered practice of “medicine or surgery” a felony. The problem is that “medicine or surgery” is unnecessarily vague, and may include some alternative health practices.
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Milestone Victory: Texas State Medical Board’s Attack on Leading Integrative Doctor Beaten Back
Courtroom detailDecember 21, 2010
A court defeat for the Texas Medical Board is changing policies—and minds
.Read More>>

Another Defeat for the Texas Medical Board—Court Rules in Favor of Physicians
Justice signDecember 21, 2010
Another Defeat for the Texas Medical Board—Court Rules in Favor of Physicians
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More Stealth Attacks on Integrative Doctors May Be Coming
Customer Service surveyDecember 21, 2010
We have to watch both the AMA and the Federation of State Medical Boards. They have a new strategy to limit your health freedom
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