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Natural Health Candidates Preferred by 70%

Natural Health Candidates Preferred by 70%
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A new national survey found that 70% of Americans are more likely to support Congressional candidates who will protect access to supplements and homeopathic and other natural remedies. Action Alert

The vast majority of Americans use natural remedies and are more likely to support a Congressional candidate who will protect the public’s access to dietary supplements and other natural and homeopathic remedies. 

In spite of this massive support, attacks to limit our access to natural health from the FDA, members of Congress, and state legislatures are numerous. ANH’s current battles include fighting the FDA’s attacks on CBDNACnatural desiccated thyroid, bioidentical hormones, and homeopathy, blocking anti-supplement legislation from Senator Durbin in Congress, and stopping several state level bills to restrict supplement access.

“This survey demonstrates that more and more Americans recognize the importance of dietary supplements and other natural options to maintain and regenerate their health,” said Gretchen DuBeau, Executive and Legal Director of the Alliance for Natural Health USA. “We hope Congress will listen to their constituents and support access to and information about these natural health options.”

The national survey was conducted by the Marist Poll, one of the first college-based public opinion polls in the United States. Marist Poll is highly respected, with an “A” rating from ABC News’ FiveThirtyEight. The coalition partnering with ANH to conduct this research included Americans for Homeopathy Choice, American Institute of Homeopathy, Citizens for Health, and the Natural Products Association.

View the poll press release and full survey results.

Action Alert! Help ANH protect your access to natural health options. Write to Congress and tell them to oppose Sen. Durbin’s mandatory product listing bill for dietary supplements. Please send your message immediately.

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