Senator Durbin and the FDA Attack Supplements


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Coverage below originally appeared in ANH-USA’s weekly newsletter, The Pulse of Natural Health. Sign up today—it’s free!

Melatonin Cakes and the Backlash on Dietary Supplements
May 31, 2011
Melatonin-filled brownies called Lazy Cakes have come to the attention of Congress. Will the FDA use them as another excuse to over-regulate dietary supplements?

Dietary Supplement Labeling Act—Breaking News!
June 28, 2011
Senator Durbin’s bill, which will be introduced in Congress this week, is likely to be another example of burdensome and unnecessary legislation.

Sneak Attack on Supplements: FDA and Senator Durbin Use Slow News Day to Launch
July 1, 2011
Today, both the FDA and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) dropped policy “bombs” on those of us who use dietary supplements. It is no mere coincidence that both were released on the Friday before a holiday weekend. By timing the introduction of their anti-supplement legislation and regulatory guidance this way, the FDA and Sen. Durbin are both hoping to evade negative publicity.

“Dietary Supplement Labeling Act” a Huge Smokescreen
July 5, 2011
This new bill pretends to be consumer-oriented but instead will give the FDA new powers it could easily misuse, restricting your access to supplements and raising the cost of buying them.

FDA’s New Sneak Attack on Supplements
July 5, 2011
Just before the July 4 holiday weekend, hoping to limit media attention, the FDA dropped a bomb on dietary supplements.

Disastrous Durbin Bill Finally Online—Help Us Get It Stopped!
July 12, 2011
Sen. Durbin’s disingenuous “Dietary Supplement Labeling Act,” which we told you about last week, needs to be defeated.

FDA Guidelines a Perversion of Congressional Intent
July 12, 2011
The FDA is trying to turn a simple notification system for new supplements into a totally arbitrary approval system.

FDA Copies the European Union and Slips In One of its Deadliest Weapons
July 26, 2011
Are the NDI guidelines the ultimate FDA tool to freeze dietary supplement innovation? A special report by Robert Verkerk, PhD, ANH-USA Scientific Director and ANH-Europe Executive and Scientific Director.

NDI Draft Guidance is a Big, Fat Gift to Big Pharma
August 2, 2011
Want to let the drug industry take your favorite supplements off the market, patent them, and sell them back to you—by doctor’s prescription only—for 10 or 100 (or even more) times what you’re paying now? As Big Pharma becomes more desperate to boost flagging profits, the industry will likely use this tactic to find new sources of revenue—and shame on the FDA for so blatantly aiding and abetting it!

Senator Durbin’s Credibility Problem
August 16, 2011
The Washington Times recently printed an opinion piece discussing the threat nutritional supplements are facing from the FDA and Sen. Durbin’s bill. The senator’s response makes one wonder if he has read his own bill.

ANH-USA Files Emord-Drafted Analysis with FDA that Reveals Cockeyed Assumptions Behind Proposed New Supplement Guidance
August 23, 2011
The FDA says all new supplements since 1994 must be approved, but this will result in only 55 new applications. Huh? Experts predict as many as 125,000, and sale of these supplements will be illegal while the FDA decides what to do with them all.

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