Drug Company Attempts To Patent Supplements and Turn Them Into Drugs

Drug Company Attempts To Patent Supplements and Turn Them Into Drugs

P5P & Carpal tunnel
B6 & Colorectal Cancer risk
Human beings cannot live without vitamin B-6. It is also important for the prevention of cancer and the prevention and treatment of seizures, anemia, mental disorders including schizophrenia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other conditions. Its effect on carpal tunnel can seem almost miraculous.A natural form of the vitamin, Pyridoxamine, was recently yanked off the market by the FDA. Why? Because a pharmaceutical company, BioStratum, wanted sole use of pyridoxamine in a drug, a drug which may or may not ever appear. The company filed a so-called citizens petition and the FDA agreed, notwithstanding protests from ANH-USA, other organizations, and thousands of citizens. You might ask: how can Pharma take a supplement off the market and claim exclusive use of it as a prescription drug? The FDA does not presently feel obligated to answer this question.Read More>>

******* Action Alerts For This Campaign ********
stopTell the FDA that You Oppose The Drug Company Petition To Ban P5P, The Natural And Bio-available Form Of Vitamin B6!
Please Take Action Now!
P5P Is The natural form of B6 that your body actually uses. ALL other forms of B6 must be converted to P5P to use them. You will die without P5P. It naturally occurs in food. Do not let the drug industry appropriate it and convert it into a high priced prescription drug. The FDA is considering a petition filed by a pharmaceutical company, Medicure Pharma. The company is requesting a ban on dietary supplements containing pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P5P), the bio-active and natural form of vitamin B6.
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Read More About Drug Company Attempts To Patent Supplements and Turn Them Into Drugs:

New Study Touts Big Health Benefits of Resveratrol
redgrapesMarch 12, 2013Big Pharma is drooling over the prospect of getting it all to themselves.
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The Latest “Breakthrough”: Gas-releasing Aspirin?
AspirinMay 8, 2012Can’t we give something natural a try first?
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FDA Warns Men of Serious Side Effects from These Drugs—But Keeps Them on the Market
Sexual DysfunctionApril 17, 2012If supplements caused such adverse events, they would be banned immediately! Fortunately there are excellent supplement alternatives to these drugs.
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Big Pharma Whistles, and the Drug Enforcement Administration Comes Running
painkillerApril 10, 2012The DEA is enabling—even encouraging—a generation of opiate addicts, while the FDA tries to quash safe and helpful supplements like DHEA.
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New Underhanded Tactics from Pharma—Is It Greed, or an Act of Desperation?
corruptionDecember 13, 2011It wasn’t enough that they raised the price of this critical drug from $10 to $1,500 per dose. Now they are going after pharmacists and hitting pregnant low-income women the hardest.
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Treating Drug-Induced Diseases…
drugsOctober 11, 2011…With more—and worse—drugs?Read More>>

Once Again Your Activism Brings Swift Results
compoundingMarch 29, 2011According to The Washington Post, last Friday the FDA—just days after you started contacting them in protest over their pregnancy drug Makena—has reversed their stance. Keep up the pressure!Read More>>

How the FDA Turned a $10 Treatment into a $30,000-Per-Pregnancy Pharmaceutical Money-Maker
big pharmaMarch 22, 2011When a new FDA drug-and-money scandal has doctors, US senators, and even the March of Dimes in an uproar, you know it’s bad. A new Action Alert!Read More>>

Brain Drain or Brain Gain – Do ADHD or Alzeheimer’s Drugs Make you Smarter? And Are You Suffering From Nervousness or Anxiety
girl ADHDNovember 9, 2010New Scientist magazine recently published an article on the science of the brain. They said for mental fatigue, better concentration, and easier recall, we might turn to today’s prescription drugs.Read More>>

Botulism Toxin…for Headaches?
BotoxNovember 2, 2010Botulinum is one of the most toxic substances in the world. So why has the FDA recently approved it for the treatment of headaches?Read More>>

More on Natural Substances to Combat Alzheimer’s—and Big Pharma’s Dirty Little Secret
Natural Health AlzheimersOctober 19, 2010Two weeks ago we told you how coconut oil is showing great promise in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. New studies show that other natural substances are also offering big breakthroughs, and the drug industry is trying to jump on the bandwagon with them too.Read More>>

Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease
fresh coconut halves on beachOctober 5, 2010How worried should drug companies be about supplements eating into their monopoly profits? A lot—as this story will show. Please share it with anyone you know who is suffering from Alzheimer’s or is worried about it.Read More>>

JAMA Reports that Vitamin B6 May Reduce Lung Cancer. Will the FDA Turn Natural B6 into a Drug?
logo.225x76August 10, 2010In stark contrast to Consumer Reports Health’s profoundly negative view of supplements comes a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reporting that high levels of vitamin B6 may reduce lung cancer risk.Read More>>

Protect Your Right To Natural and Bio-available Vitamin B-6!
April 10, 2010All forms of B-6, natural or synthetic, must be converted to P5P, another natural form, for the body to use it. Another drug company, Medicure Pharma, wants sole use of P5P and so has petitioned the FDA to ban its use as a supplement as well.

Help Save P5P (the Natural and Bio-available Form of Vitamin B-6)
March 17, 2009The FDA is considering a petition to ban a natural vitamin supplement called P5P, because a pharmaceutical manufacturer fears that a synthetic drug it makes that works similarly could be overshadowed by the natural vitamin. The elimination of P5P could make people who have difficulty converting vitamin B-6 in their bodies entirely dependent on the drugs—and thus the drug manufacturers—for their survival.Read More>>

When is a Vitamin Not a Vitamin? When the FDA Says So!
February 10, 2009On January 12, the FDA announced that products containing pyridoxamine dihydrochloride (a natural form of vitamin B6) can no longer be marketed as dietary supplements—even though the fish on your lunch salad and the chicken on your dinner table both contain pyridoxamine, as does brewer’s yeast.Read More>>

The FDA and Vitamin B-6
Vitamin D pillsSeptember 2, 2008The FDA is considering a petition filed by a pharmaceutical company, Medicure Pharma. to ban on dietary supplements containing pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P5P), the bio-active and natural form of vitamin B6, essential to good health.Read More>>

Another Great Vitamin B Raid?
sprout August 19, 2008Newspapers in 1992 proclaimed it The Great B Vitamin Raid. Armed agents stormed into the office of Jonathan Wright, MD taking hostage the clinic’s supply of Vitamin B-12 and B-complex along with the clinic’s computers, books, files, mailing list, and office equipment.No charges were ever filed against Dr. Wright (details available in the issue of AAHF Pulse of Health Freedom). But the FDA’s action to retaliate against him was telling in three ways. First, the FDA admitted it did not have the evidence required for a search warrant. Second, the raid was clearly in retaliation for a suit filed by Wright after  an earlier raid  targeting the common amino acid  l-tryptophan at Wright’s facility. And third, the FDA’s bias against supplements and in favor of the prescription drug industry  continues to this day. This bias is what connects the dots in a variety of recent FDA actions that might otherwise seem unrelated.Read More>>

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