Going Back to Basics May Help Us Achieve Healthcare for All

According to Peter Chowka of NaturalHealthLine, the first two months of President Obama’s administration “have set the stage for the greatest transformation of American healthcare since the country declared its independence from Great Britain 233 years ago.” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) has been quoted as saying Congress hopes to enact a mandate that […]

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Media Distortion Damages Both Science and Journalism

Simon Baron-Cohen, PhD, director of the Autism Research Centre at University of Cambridge, recently published a study that showed a positive correlation between levels of fetal testosterone (measured by amniocentesis) and the number of autistic traits a child shows post-natally. None of the children in the study, however, had actually developed autism. What was being […]

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The Texas Medical Practice Act—A Model for 49 Other States

State medical boards across the country routinely target doctors who practice outside the rigid norm of conventional medicine. Some states, like Kentucky and North Carolina, banned the entire profession of integrative and nutritionally oriented physicians from practicing in years past. Other states, like Connecticut and Texas, are notorious for their vigorous assaults against physicians who […]

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Comparative Effectiveness Research—Will the Risks as Well as the Benefits Be Considered?

According to the FDA News, a bill to establish a comparative effectiveness research institute is scheduled for introduction in the Senate. The Comparative Effectiveness Research Act of 2008, sponsored by Sens. Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Max Baucus (D-MT), would evaluate the effectiveness of different drugs and medical devices that exist for the same treatment. The […]

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