Sneak Attack on Supplements, Slipped into Defense Bill—Stopped in Its Tracks!

Sneak Attack on Supplements, Slipped into Defense Bill—Stopped in Its Tracks!

Your messages to Capitol Hill accomplished this. But Sen. Durbin reportedly plans to reintroduce his usual anti-supplement bill soon. Earlier this summer, we alerted you to the latest under-the-radar attack on supplements perpetrated by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and his allies. This time, they tried to attach their amendments, which would have limited supplement usage […]

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Coca-Cola Subverts Science

Coca-Cola Subverts Science

Crony science is on full display in the new partnership between the giant beverage company and a nonprofit looking to exonerate junk food in the obesity debate. The New York Times reports that Coca-Cola is pouring millions of dollars into a nonprofit organization that is trying to promote a peculiar solution to the obesity crisis. […]

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FDA On Sugar: Not So Sweet

FDA On Sugar: Not So Sweet

The agency reverses itself—and capitulates to the sugar lobby. Action Alert! Recently, the FDA announced a proposal to include a daily recommended value (DRV) for added sugars on the Nutrition Facts label of packaged foods and dietary supplements. The “added sugars” designation has nothing to do with the amount of sugar that already occurs naturally […]

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FDA’s Proposal to Curb Mercury Fillings Was Secretly Overruled by Senior Government Officials

FDA’s Proposal to Curb Mercury Fillings Was Secretly Overruled by Senior Government Officials

A much-needed proposal was hypocritically rejected, then buried—and this time it wasn’t the FDA’s fault. Action Alert! A recent news report revealed an FDA proposal from 2011 that would have told dentists to avoid using mercury fillings in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and people with mercury allergies, kidney diseases, and neurological problems. It also […]

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