Glyphosate: What’s Your Level of Exposure? 

Glyphosate: What’s Your Level of Exposure? 

ANH-USA staff underwent testing for glyphosate exposure, and the results were shocking! Action Alert! Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is a toxic chemical that is becoming virtually ubiquitous in the modern world. Exposure to this chemical is associated with a number of health concerns, including cancer. A number of alarming reports also […]

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Corn Syrup Used in Organic Milk Production

Corn Syrup Used in Organic Milk Production

From the Washington Post: Inside a South Carolina factory, in industrial vats that stand five stories high, batches of algae are carefully tended, kept warm and fed corn syrup. There the algae, known as Schizochytrium, multiply quickly. The payoff, which comes after processing, is a substance that resembles corn oil. It tastes faintly fishy. Marketed […]

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NIH’s Drunken (And Corrupt) Science

NIH’s Drunken (And Corrupt) Science

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sought funding for an alcohol study—from the alcohol industry. From the Washington Examiner: Scientists and officials from the National Institutes of Health worked to solicit donations from the alcohol industry for a study they said would likely conclude that moderate drinking is healthy, according to a new report. The […]

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FDA Censorship Could Impact Preterm Births

FDA Censorship Could Impact Preterm Births

Don’t let FDA stifle free speech and suppress the scientific evidence that vitamin D helps prevent preterm births. Action Alert! As we reported recently, Ocean Spray’s petition for a qualified health claim for cranberry products and reduced risk of urinary tract infections demonstrates the horrible track record FDA has in allowing free speech about the benefits of […]

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Tell FDA: Supplements are Not Drugs

Tell FDA: Supplements are Not Drugs

Studying a food turns it into a drug? Action Alert! An FDA supplement policy infringes on free speech and makes it more difficult to study the health benefits of food and food supplements. Help us fight back! For years, ANH has fought against the federal government’s censorship of free speech about the benefits of food and […]

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Will FDA Censor the Cranberry?

Will FDA Censor the Cranberry?

FDA’s treatment of fruit illustrates what scientific censorship looks like. Action Alert!  The FDA is currently considering a petition from Ocean Spray, the juice company, to allow a qualified health claim that cranberries can reduce the risk of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in healthy women. Given the way the FDA protects Big Pharma’s monopoly […]

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FDA Knows Better than Your Doctor?

FDA Knows Better than Your Doctor?

FDA wants to act as your physician and regulate your access to customized medications. Action Alert! With its new guidance, the FDA is further tightening the screws on pharmacies that produce customized medications for individual patients. The agency is inserting itself into the role of “doctor” by deciding for patients whether there is a “clinical […]

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