Anti-Cancer Nutrient in Peril?

Anti-Cancer Nutrient in Peril?

More and more research is showing the potential of this nutrient to treat cancer and a variety of other conditions. So why is the FDA targeting it? The FDA is rapidly eliminating many of the substances that can be made at compounding pharmacies, which make customized medicines for individual patients. The agency has been banning […]

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Why Are All Doctors Being Threatened With Jail…

Why Are All Doctors Being Threatened With Jail…

Just for doing their job? Please support Senator Hatch’s new bill! Action Alert! There are now over 5,000 federal statutory crimes and over 300,000 regulatory crimes on the books—though Americans are unaware of an overwhelming majority of them. As a result, it has been estimated that the typical professional unknowingly commits several federal crimes in […]

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GMOs and Glyphosate Safe?

GMOs and Glyphosate Safe?

Two recent studies would have us think so! But who, exactly, is behind the research? Major studies just released claim that genetically modified (GM) foods—and the chemical used on them, glyphosate—are safe to eat. Following publication, there has been a steady drumbeat in the media essentially claiming that the case is now closed: GMOs are […]

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Protecting Higher-Dose Supplements

Protecting Higher-Dose Supplements

A new study reveals why the science behind European and other anti-supplement regulations is completely outmoded. Last week, our partners at ANH-International released a report by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research. It offers an approach to determining the precise amount of vitamins and minerals each individual needs for optimal health, depending on age, […]

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Supplement Access Threatened in Puerto Rico

Supplement Access Threatened in Puerto Rico

But there’s still time to stop it. Action Alert! Health officials in Puerto Rico recently issued an administrative order imposing a number of new regulations and fees on island supplement manufacturers and retailers. The new regulatory scheme mirrors much of what is already submitted to the FDA to register supplements, so it is likely that […]

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Are You Eating Meat Glue?

Are You Eating Meat Glue?

There’s a good chance the premium cuts you’re buying and eating at restaurants are actually cheap cuts stitched together with “meat glue.” Action Alert! If you needed one more reason to only eat beef that is grass-fed and locally raised, consider the prevalence of “meat glue” in industrial meat. The “glue” is actually an enzyme […]

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Acid Blockers Cause Brain Damage, Kidney Disease? 

Acid Blockers Cause Brain Damage, Kidney Disease? 

Increase the risk of Alzheimer’s by 50%? Kidney disease by up to 50%? Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the science suggests. Over the years, we’ve written extensively about the dangers of stomach acid drugs—conventional medicine’s completely wrongheaded answer to stomach pain and acid reflux. Scientists aren’t certain what causes acid reflux, but a leading hypothesis is that it’s […]

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Green Medicine–Full PDF June Edition

Green Medicine–Full PDF June Edition

If you would like to download and print a pdf version of Green Medicine, you can do so here. Now you can take Green Medicine wherever you go. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download here. In this issue: Dramatically Decrease (or Even Eliminate) Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke “Dry Eyes”: […]

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