Your Doctor Can’t Be Trusted…

Your Doctor Can’t Be Trusted…

FDA prevents your doctor from stocking compounded vitamins, other medicines Please help your doctor help you!  …with methylcobalamin injections? The most active form of vitamin B12 is not allowed to be stocked in your doctor’s office? What’s going on? Physicians have had vitamin B12 injections available in their offices since Merck and Co. first put a […]

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Green Medicine- March Edition

Green Medicine- March Edition

If you would like to download and print a pdf version of Green Medicine, you can do so here. Now you can take Green Medicine wherever you go. If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download here. In this issue: Your Doctor Can’t Be Trusted Parkinson’s Disease: New Hope How To Determine if You Are A […]

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More Supplements Face the Axe

More Supplements Face the Axe

…At the next meeting of the FDA’s Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee. If recent history is any indication, the outlook is not good—unless we push back. Action Alert! The Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC) advises the FDA in writing new rules regarding what supplements and drugs can be made individually for patients with specific needs by […]

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URGENT—Bad GMO Bill on Fast Track

URGENT—Bad GMO Bill on Fast Track

The plan appears to be to rush Sen. Pat Roberts’ voluntary GMO labeling legislation through Congress before opposition can form. We may only have days to stop it. Urgent Action Alert!  Last week, we reported that another voluntary labeling bill in the Senate was in the works, introduced by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS). Last Friday […]

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Turning Up the Pressure on PBS

Turning Up the Pressure on PBS

Will they listen? Action Alert! A few weeks ago, we reported on PBS Frontline’s attack piece on the dietary supplement industry. The show’s producers trotted out many of the same debunked arguments that New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), and supplement critic Pieter Cohen typically cite—supplements are unsafe, unregulated, and are […]

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FDA Attacks Brain Health Supplements

FDA Attacks Brain Health Supplements

We think this is to pave the way for a new blockbuster drug. Action Alert! In October we told you about a potential new blockbuster drug for Alzheimer’s from drug giant Eli Lilly. Solanezumab is in the third and final phase of FDA drug trials, and if approved, could bring in at least $7.6 billion […]

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New Study: GMO Crop Contamination Spreading

New Study: GMO Crop Contamination Spreading

…plus other GMO updates. Federal and State-based Action Alerts! A recent USDA report acknowledging the spread of genetically engineered alfalfa into the wild is just further proof of what natural health advocates have known for a long time: that genetically engineered crops cannot “coexist” with traditional, organic agriculture. The report details the findings of a USDA […]

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