AND Bankrolled By Junk Food

AND Bankrolled By Junk Food

FACT: The AND receives payments from Coca-Cola, Hershey, the National Dairy Council, Mars, PepsiCo, and others. The ADA won’t say exactly how much they receive from these companies and industry associations.

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Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Takes Drug Money

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Takes Drug Money

FACT: The AND receives about $1 million a year in payments from the pharmaceutical industry Because of Sen. Grassley’s investigation, the ADA disclosed their payments from the pharmaceutical, medical device and insurance industries. 

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AND Under Investigation

AND Under Investigation

FACT: The ADA AND is under investigation by Congress Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), has asked the ADA and other health advocacy groups for a listing of their payments from the pharmaceutical, medical device, and insurance industries.  Due to the ADA’s lack of financial transparency, the senator’s investigation into the ADA is ongoing. 
 Source: […]

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What Supplements Are

What Supplements Are

Dietary supplements refer to a broad range of products that fill gaps in our diet and provide natural health care remedies. Multivitamins, omega-3/fish oil, vitamin D, vitamin C, and calcium are just a few of the thousands of products that more than 150 million Americans regularly consume. Congress has defined “dietary supplement” as a product […]

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Catch 22

Catch 22

Decades of research has affirmed that natural products are safe and effective, and in many cases, can be a desirable alternative to pharmaceutical drugs for promoting health, alleviating symptoms, and curing disease. However, regulators such as the FDA have created a “Catch-22” that prevents dietary supplement manufacturers from informing consumers about potential health benefits and […]

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Current Science

Current Science

Supplements vs. Pharmaceuticals “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” –Hippocrates (Father of Western Medicine) Like food, dietary supplements are one of the safest things we put in our bodies. Products like multivitamins, omega-3/fish oil, vitamin D, vitamin C, and calcium can be used to fortify your health or treat ailments and […]

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How Supplements Are Regulated

How Supplements Are Regulated

Dietary supplements are zealously regulated by multiple federal agencies in order to ensure products are safe and that product labels are truthful and accurate. Claims that dietary supplements are unregulated completely overlook the extensive regulatory framework that governs the industry, and ignore the industry’s lengthy record of safety and benefit to consumers. In 1994, Congress […]

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Myth: GMOs are Tightly Regulated

Myth: GMOs are Tightly Regulated

Biotech companies claim that GMO foods are strictly regulated. The reality is that such regulation is either weak or non-existent. No GMO food has ever been certified as safe by the FDA. Biotech companies, not government agencies, conduct research on new GMO crops. The standard for GMO safety is completely arbitrary: GMOs are considered as […]

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Crispy, Golden…and Potentially Dangerous!

Grass-fed, organic, free-range. But are you undermining those benefits with the way you cook your food? Last week we told you about the research indicating that, although not essential, it might be a good idea to cook mushrooms before eating. This week we discuss what happens when you cook other food at higher temperatures. Advanced […]

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