When It Comes to Natural Health for Children, We’re Living in a Police State
Increasingly, state governments are determining what treatments a child can and cannot have—regardless of parents’ wishes. Three shocking stories prove the point.
Increasingly, state governments are determining what treatments a child can and cannot have—regardless of parents’ wishes. Three shocking stories prove the point.
The Free Speech about Science Act of 2011 is about to introduced in Congress. This is an exciting and hugely important bill that you’ll want to support with zeal.
Last month we reported on the dangers of many artificial sweeteners. Now a report links diet sodas to a 61% increase in strokes and heart attacks.
So-called weight-loss drugs are huge business, but they’re going from bad to worse. The newest include antidepressant ingredients—and most users won’t even know they’re there—with more really awful side effects.
Not only may the drugs meant to cure your depression actually drive you to suicide, but these dangerous and addictive drugs may be behind the Columbine shooting—and dozens of others. Ask the FDA to warn the public that SSRIs may make people commit violence against others! Our new Action Alert has the details.
Last week we told you about Meleah Corner, who won a major court case in NC allowing her children to continue to be treated with HBOT. This week we had the opportunity to interview her and hear her story in greater detail. You won’t believe what she had to go through.
In North Carolina, a blind mother of three autistic boys took on North Carolina Medicaid—and won.
In their January 25 issue, Newsweek published a scientifically unsupportable article, claiming that antioxidants “may not be good for your health.” We asked natural biomedical researcher and physician Jonathan Wright, MD, to comment—and he didn’t mince words!
Who should worry about this? And will consumers learn even less about what they are eating?
The procedure may help more people shed the pounds. But it will also fill the coffers of surgeons, hospitals, and a global specialty pharmaceutical company.