ANH Scores Big Win for Supplement Science

ANH Scores Big Win for Supplement Science

For years, we’ve been asking the FDA to stop needlessly blocking research on dietary supplements with red tape. Finally, they’ve listened! We are excited to share a monumental victory that has come about as a direct result of ANH-USA advocacy. In 2014, the FDA started applying drug rules to research being conducted on nutrients. This […]

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Durbin’s Supplement Attack for 2022: Defeated?

Durbin’s Supplement Attack for 2022: Defeated?

The Senator has been trying to sneak his supplement attack into an end-of-the-year government funding bill. Will he succeed? Action Alert! ANH-USA has been keeping a close watch on Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) efforts to impose additional regulations on dietary supplements that would threaten our access to important products. Over the course of this year, […]

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Vitamin D Could Help Extend Your Life

Vitamin D Could Help Extend Your Life

From Joseph Mercola, DO. What are your vitamin D levels? If you’re not sure, getting tested — and then optimizing your levels — could help you live longer. While low vitamin D levels have long been associated with increased risk of death, data on severely deficient individuals are lacking. Now, it’s been shown that people […]

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What the Media Does and Doesn’t Tell You

What the Media Does and Doesn’t Tell You

ANH latest infographic on pharma and natural health perspectives of Alzheimer’s, obesity, hypertension and cholesterol. From ANH-International. Globally it’s estimated one billion people will be obese by 2030. More than 42 million UK adults (71% of the population) could be overweight or obese by 2040, according to a shocking report released by Cancer Research UK earlier this year. The UK government’s response […]

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Explaining the FDA’s New Homeopathy Policy

Explaining the FDA’s New Homeopathy Policy

There’s been some confusion about what the FDA’s newest attack against homeopathy means—let us untangle some of these knots. Action Alert! Last week, we reported on the release of the FDA’s final version of a document describing how the agency will treat homeopathic medicines moving forward. The headline of that article was “FDA Declares Homeopathy […]

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