Why Bugs are Better than Pesticides

Why Bugs are Better than Pesticides

An unlikely pesticide alternative shows how effective working with, rather than against, nature can be. A recent study found that, under certain conditions, ants can be more effective than pesticides at pest control and increasing crop yields over time. This is exactly the kind of practice we should be thinking about more seriously to reduce […]

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The Antitumor Effects of Quercetin

The Antitumor Effects of Quercetin

From Joseph Mercola, DO Quercetin is an antioxidant flavonol that’s found in foods such as red grapes, green tea, elderflower and onions, to name a few. As the health benefits of the supplement become more widely known, the market has grown rapidly. According to market research, quercetin market was worth $261.12 million in 2020 and is […]

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Cancerous Cosmetics

Cancerous Cosmetics

Many cosmetic and personal care products contain talc, which has been linked to cancer. Here’s how you can protect yourself. Action Alert! Recently, Johnson & Johnson announced it would stop selling talc-based baby powder globally; following a 2020 decision by the company to stop selling these products in the US and Canada. This stems from […]

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FDA Threatens Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

FDA Threatens Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

Clinical trials testing estriol for the treatment of multiple sclerosis show great promise…but the FDA is threatening to ban the only way patients can access this critical medicine. Action Alert! Estriol is one of three main estrogens produced by the body, alongside estrone and estradiol. It is often used by integrative practitioners for its benefits to […]

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Exercise: Not How Much, But How Often

Exercise: Not How Much, But How Often

A new study sheds light on whether you should exercise a little bit every day or for longer periods less often. The study found that just a little bit of daily activity could be the most beneficial approach for building muscle strength. Three groups of people were analyzed in the study. One group performed 30 […]

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Ever Had Migraine Auras? Maybe This Will Help

Ever Had Migraine Auras? Maybe This Will Help

From Joseph Mercola, DO It is estimated that migraines affect 12% of the population of the U.S. Chronic migraines are the second most disabling condition and are associated with psychiatric disease, sleep disorders and cardiovascular disease. Migraines often start before the age of 40 and usually during adolescence. Women are more likely than men and people […]

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Monkeypox: A Public Health Emergency?

Monkeypox: A Public Health Emergency?

…and how natural medicine can help. Recently, the federal government declared monkeypox to be a public health emergency. This has caused some alarm among the population—are we entering another COVID situation, with lockdowns and efforts at forced vaccination? Are there natural interventions that can help protect us from this new virus? Contextualizing the threat from […]

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