Toxic Toilet Tissue

Toxic Toilet Tissue

We can add toilet paper to the long list of products that are contaminated with PFAS; this pervasive contamination has led experts to recommend many Americans get tested for PFAS. It’s time to ban these dangerous chemicals. Action Alert! We recently told you how PFAS contamination is worse than we previously thought because it has […]

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How About Some Happy News on NAC?

How About Some Happy News on NAC?

Indications that our advocacy is working to protect access to n-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor to glutathione and an important antioxidant. Action Alert! Recently, the FDA issued a final guidance describing how it will treat NAC supplements. It remains largely unchanged from the draft version of this guidance we reported on in May of this year […]

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Congress Advances Bill to Support Telemedicine

Congress Advances Bill to Support Telemedicine

Let’s help these commonsense reforms get across the finish line. Action Alert! Recently, the House of Representatives approved legislation that would extend until 2024 changes in the rules to allow more access to telehealth. Expanded access to telehealth offers an opportunity to lower healthcare costs, so it is critical to support this and related bills in Congress. […]

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Broccoli Compound May Solve Antibiotic Resistance Problem

Broccoli Compound May Solve Antibiotic Resistance Problem

From Joseph Mercola, DO Cruciferous vegetables have long been cherished for their health benefits. Broccoli, cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale and bok choy, just to name a few, contain several plant compounds that are important for optimal health, including powerful chemoprotective compounds. One of the most well-known of these is sulforaphane, an organic sulfur. […]

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NYT’s Supplement Vendetta is Getting Old

NYT’s Supplement Vendetta is Getting Old

Frightening conclusions are being drawn from a flawed vitamin D study. Action Alert! You can almost see the smile on the reporter’s face at The New York Times who wrote the headline: “Study Finds Another Condition That Vitamin D Pills Don’t Help.” The study on which the article is based did indeed conclude that vitamin […]

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New Bill to Remove FDA Control Over Supplements

New Bill to Remove FDA Control Over Supplements

A new bill would take food and supplements out of the FDA’s jurisdiction under a new food safety agency. We are cautiously optimistic, but there are concerns. Action Alert! The new bill, introduced by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-CT), moves all of the FDA’s food safety authorities, […]

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5 Health Benefits of Golden Milk

5 Health Benefits of Golden Milk

From Joseph Mercola, DO Do you start your day with a hot cup of coffee? When you consider that everything we put in our mouths affects our overall health, you might want to think about adding golden milk to your daily regimen. Also known as “Haldi ka Doodh” in Hindi, golden milk has been part […]

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The Case for Organic Food and Natural Medicine

The Case for Organic Food and Natural Medicine

From the Organic Consumers Association Don’t panic, eat organic. As OCA, and a growing number of nutritionists, medical practitioners, and healers never tire of pointing out, a major defense, and likely our best defense, against chronic disease (affecting now the majority of U.S. adults and children—four times the rate of 40 years ago), the flu, cancer, […]

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