FDA Shuts Down Natural Pain Options

FDA Shuts Down Natural Pain Options

FDA-approved pain medicines are dangerous, but the government is systematically attacking safer, non-addictive natural treatments. Action Alert! A recent study in Switzerland found that acetaminophen poisoning increased by 40% following the approval of 1,000mg doses. This is just the latest data to indicate the public health problems caused by this commonly used pain drug, which […]

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Dangers of Antibiotics for Kids

Dangers of Antibiotics for Kids

Concerning data from a new study shows the dangers of antibiotic use in young children. Action Alert! A new study found that children younger than two who are given antibiotics are more likely to develop ongoing medical conditions later in life. Given the multitude of natural alternatives to antibiotics, it is shameful that the medical […]

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Big Ag, Big Chem Team Up

Big Ag, Big Chem Team Up

The largest agribusinesses and chemical giants are building support in the new administration, and beyond. Action Alert! President-elect Joe Biden is reportedly considering former US senator and Big Ag ally Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) as the next Secretary of Agriculture. Separately, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations recently announced a pending partnership […]

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How Deadly is COVID Right Now?

How Deadly is COVID Right Now?

A sobering look at the numbers offers reason for hope. Action Alert! For a deeper look at the numbers underlying this chart, consult this table. Charts and data are courtesy of Our World in Data and our friends at ANH International, who also offer this analysis: While it’s hard to ignore the very raised excess mortality in […]

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Consumer-Driven Health Reform at Risk

Consumer-Driven Health Reform at Risk

A number of consumer-friendly changes to health insurance are in danger of being reversed. We must protect them. Action Alert!  We at ANH have written numerous articles on the burdensome regulations that prevent a consumer-friendly health insurance marketplace from developing. Over the last few years, a number of reforms have been accomplished that loosen the […]

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Your Supplements on FDA’s Hit List

Your Supplements on FDA’s Hit List

A new regulation for supplements threatens access. Action Alert! The FDA is on the record supporting mandatory product listing for dietary supplements—that is, requiring each supplement manufacturer to register all the products it makes, including all the ingredients of those products, with the FDA. It’s a strong possibility that with a Democratic appointee—which could be […]

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Biden Selects Anti-Supplement Crusader

Biden Selects Anti-Supplement Crusader

Dr. David Kessler, an anti-supplement crusader, drug industry adviser, and former FDA Commissioner, has been named to Biden’s COVID-19 task force. We must push back. Action Alert! Dr. Kessler has been named co-chair of President-elect Joe Biden’s COVID-19 task force. Dr. Kessler was FDA commissioner between 1990 and 1997. During that time, Kessler demonstrated his hostility […]

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Help Us Save Homeopathy!

Help Us Save Homeopathy!

Help us support our allies in an effort to stop the FDA’s attack on this safe, natural form of medicine. Action Alert! Our friends at Americans for Homeopathy Choice have submitted a Citizens Petition to the FDA requesting that the agency reverse its recent actions with regard to homeopathic medicine. Upending decades of safe regulation, […]

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Our Core Mission

Our Core Mission

Why Is the Government Gagging Doctors? The FDA, FTC, and some states’ attorneys general have told doctors they can’t advise both their patients and the public about natural prevention and treatment for COVID-19. The FDA and FTC sent warning letters alleging that doctors and other practitioners were making illegal claims on their websites that a […]

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