FTC Clamps Down on Free Speech…Again

FTC Clamps Down on Free Speech…Again

Will we let FTC bureaucrats decide what “science” is, and how it can be interpreted? Action Alert! The legal claims that supplements can make are repeatedly attacked and restricted by federal regulators. This is a great situation if you’re a drug company selling expensive, dangerous drugs, but if you’re an individual trying to manage your […]

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Are Supplements Really Useless?

Are Supplements Really Useless?

Of course not, but that’s what the media would have you believe in the latest hit job on dietary supplements. Action Alert! A recent meta-analysis—a review of over 100 different randomized controlled trials—found that multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin C showed no benefits in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, or premature […]

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Are Draconian Limits on Vitamins Coming to the US?

Are Draconian Limits on Vitamins Coming to the US?

Meetings being held between the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and other world bodies to discuss “harmonization” (meaning restriction) of “nutrient intake” recommendations indicate that the answer may be yes.  Action Alert! NAS, which is a United States non-governmental organization that advises the federal government on a range of issues, recently met with groups from […]

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Finally! Some Relief for Dying Patients

Finally! Some Relief for Dying Patients

Thanks to ANH member activism over many years, Congress has finally approved Right to Try legislation. Now we need to expand it. Action Alert! Recently, the House of Representatives approved legislation that expands access to experimental drugs for terminally ill patients who have exhausted all other treatment options. It also frees drug companies from liability where […]

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Update: Victory in the War on Natural Medicine!

Update: Victory in the War on Natural Medicine!

ANH members played a key role in thwarting efforts to eliminate access to personalized medicine. Two years ago, the FDA released a draft guidance saying that a compounding pharmacy (a pharmacy that makes customized medicines for individual patients) cannot register as both an “outsourcing” (503B) and a traditional (503A) facility. We issued an action alert […]

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A Step Towards Health Freedom in Australia

A Step Towards Health Freedom in Australia

Consumers Down Under will have access to more information about alternative medicines. A bill was recently approved in Australia that loosens some of the regulations governing advertising claims made by producers of alternative and complementary products. The Therapeutic Goods Amendment Bill 2017 creates a list of “permitted indications” which can be used in advertising without […]

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More Opioid Crisis Cronyism

More Opioid Crisis Cronyism

One person’s health care crisis is Big Pharma’s golden opportunity. From Stat News: The White House’s national strategy to combat the opioid crisis, unveiled last week, would expand a particular kind of addiction treatment in federal criminal justice settings: a single drug, manufactured by a single company, with mixed views on the evidence regarding its use. Federal […]

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Forget This Dangerous Alzheimer’s Treatment

Forget This Dangerous Alzheimer’s Treatment

We have safer (and better) answers. But will the government spread the good news? Action Alert! A new study suggests that, if started early enough, a daily regimen of non-prescription ibuprofen (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID) can prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Whether or not it’s true, it’s a dangerous prescription—especially considering there are […]

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