ANH-USA Files Brief in Free Speech Case
This time it is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which is acting lawlessly and trying to censor science about natural health products.
This time it is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which is acting lawlessly and trying to censor science about natural health products.
Would their labels say, “Brewed with pure Rocky Mountain spring water, GMO corn syrup, and fish bladder”?
What you need is probably already in your kitchen.
State licensing boards are trying to prevent unlicensed citizens from even talking about certain subjects. Here are some of the latest gag orders.
FDA’s own employees are starting to question the agency’s reckless drug approval process.
The agency defied its own panel’s recommendation against approval because slight benefit is not worth the risk of suicide (and, we might add, addiction).
The evidence seems clear that the Washington State Medical Board is trying to do just that!
The study’s authors showed similar biases in previous papers—yet the media keep stoking the flames without doing any serious analysis.
It’s politics as usual, but at a cost: the health of the American public. Action Alert!
The fight isn’t over yet. Some states want to ban filming of factory farm abuses—and fracking operations as well! Action Alerts!